Аккорды Johnny Cash - The Blizzard

Добавлено: @romashka
Дата добавления: 09 Мая 2024г.
Просмотров: 42
| D      | D      | Em     | Em     | G      | G      |

[Verse 1]
          G               G
There's a blizzard coming on
        C             G
And I'm wishing I was home
       G               G                D    D
For my pony's lame and he can't hardly stand
         G                     G
Lord, my hands feel like their froze
              C                 G
And there's a numb that's in my toes
         D          D             Em    Em
But it's only seven miles to Mary Ann
     D          D             G    G
It's only seven miles to Mary Ann

[Verse 2]
        G                G
You can bet we're on her mind
         C            G
For it's nearly suppertime
      G                     G               D    D
And I know that there's hot biscuits in the pan
       G               G
Listen to that norther sigh
      C                    G
If we don't get home we'll die
         D              D             Em    Em
But it's only five more miles to Mary Ann
     D              D             G    G
It's only five more miles to Mary Ann

[Verse 3]
     G                     G
That wind's howling and it seems
       C              G
Mighty like a women's screams
         G              G             D    D
And we'd best be moving faster, if we can
G                          G
Dan, just think about that barn
          C               G
With that hay so soft and warm
     D               D             Em    Em
It's only three more miles to Mary Ann
     D               D             G     G
It's only three more miles to Mary Ann

| G      | G      | C      | G      |
| G      | G      | D      | D      |
| G      | G      | C      | G      |
| D      | D      | Em     | Em     |
| D      | D      | G      | G      |

[Verse 4]
        G                      G
Come on Dan get up, you honory cuss
   C                      G
Or you'll be the death of us
G                 G              D       D
 I'm so weary but I'll help you, if I can
G                  G
All right, Dan, perhaps it's best
C                  G
 We'll just stop a while and rest
          D            D            Em    Em
For it's still another mile to Mary Ann
      D            D            G    G
It's still another mile to Mary Ann

[Verse 5]
          G                   G
Late that night the storm was gone
         C                  G
And they found him there at dawn
     G              G                 D    D
He'd made it but he couln't leave old Dan
          G                G
Yes, they found him on the plains
          C             G
His hands frozen to the reigns
       D              D               Em    Em
He was just a hundred yards from Mary Ann
       D              D               G
He was just a hundred yards from Mary Ann
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