Аккорды Johnny Cash - City Jail

Добавлено: @romashka
Дата добавления: 09 Мая 2024г.
Просмотров: 17
| A      | A      | A      | A      | A      | E      | A      | A      |

[Verse 1]
          A                                        D
Back when I first came to this town, I was hangin' round the bus station, cafe there
Mindin' my own business like I always do
A                                     A
 And I thought I check out the action like I always do
      D                                 E
And I gave this waitress a big animated few choice personal comments
                     A                                             A
About what I thought mine and her possibilities could be for a team
When she called a badge on me
The badge grabbed me by the arm and said
         A                                             A                             A
"Hey boy, what are you hangin' around here for?" and I said, "For whatever is goin' around"

     A          A
City jail, city jail
        A                         E
Like an old scared dog, I tuck my tail
          A7                             D7
I hung my head and not a careless word I said
         A                      E          A
I gotta sleep on the floor once more, city jail

[Verse 2]
A                                        D
He said, "No what I mean is what are you doin' saying things like that to that lady?"
E                                         A
 And I said, "What's that lady doin' with purple hair?'
        A                                          D
And the badge said, "You're a smart alec ain't you boy?"
And I said, "No sir, I'm just hungry"
And he said, "Well you're acting like a smart alec"
And I said, "Well that's how I act when I get hungry"

     A          A
City jail, city jail
        A                         E
Like an old scared dog, I tuck my tail
          A7                             D7
I hung my head and not a careless word I said
         A                      E          A
I gotta sleep on the floor once more, city jail

[Verse 3]
A                                 D
Well he took me outside to a dark corner and before I could say hypocrite
E                                 A
He hit me on the head and I said, "Don't hit me on the head
I can't protect myself with these handcuffs on"
And he hit me again, he hit me again and I said
        E                                                     A
"Please don't stand on my feet when you hit me, I'll break my ankles when I fall"

     A          A
City jail, city jail
        A                         E
Like an old scared dog, I tuck my tail
          A7                             D7
I hung my head and not a careless word I said
         A                      E          A
I gotta sleep on the floor once more, city jail

[Verse 4]
Well about that time they threw me in the wagon
And that waitress walked out with a sailor
        E                 A                                       A
I said, "Hey you! Not you sailor I'm talkin' to the purple people eater
          D                                  E
You lady, quote 'you're the cause of it all' unquote"
                     A                                        A
Then she said to the sailor, she said, "Get me away from that horrible man Harry"
A                             A                            A
 And as they hauled me away I said, "Everybody have a nice evening"

     A          A
City jail, city jail
        A                         E
Like an old scared dog, I tuck my tail
          A7                             D7
I hung my head and not a careless word I said
         A                      E          A
I gotta sleep on the floor once more, city jail

         E                                       A    D    A    E    A
I gotta sleep on the floor once more at the city jail
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