Аккорды Johnny Cash - Ballad Of The Ark

Добавлено: @romashka
Дата добавления: 09 Мая 2024г.
Просмотров: 22
| E      | E      | E      | E      | E      | E      | E      | E      |
| A      | D      | E      | E      | A      | D      | E      | E      |

[Verse 1]
       E                 E
Well I tell you a story about a good man
        E                E
Who had many a problem before he reached dry land
         A          D              E
It ain't easy for a good man to go down
             A          D              E
No, it ain't easy for a good man to go down

[Verse 2]
       E                        E
On the earth there was trouble, sorrow and pain
       E                      E
So the Lord said to Noah "I'm gonna make it rain"
         A          D              E
It ain't easy for a good man to go down
             A          D              E
No, it ain't easy for a good man to go down

[Verse 3]
     E                         E
Noah gathered his sons and the ark it was raised
       E                    E
Two by two came the animals that they might be saved
         A          D              E
It ain't easy for a good man to go down
             A          D              E
No, it ain't easy for a good man to go down

| A      | D  G   | E      | E      | A      | C  D   | E      | E      |

[Verse 4]
        E                        E
Well it rained forty days and it rained forty nights
        E                         E
All the earth it was covered, the mountains out of sight
         A          D              E
It ain't easy for a good man to go down
             A          D              E
No, it ain't easy for a good man to go down

[Verse 5]
         E                      E
When the waters receded and the earth it was dry
    E                     E
The Lord said to Noah "Go forth and multiply"
         A          D              E
It ain't easy for a good man to go down
             A          D              E
No, it ain't easy for a good man to go down

[Verse 6]
        E                       E
Yes the Lord made a rainbow way up in the sky
   E                            E
He promised no flood would ever murder you and die
         A          D              E
It ain't easy for a good man to go down
             A          D              E
No, it ain't easy for a good man to go down

| A      | D  G   | E      | E      | A      | C  D   | E      | E      | E     | E      |
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