Аккорды Johnny Cash - Are All the Children In

Добавлено: @romashka
Дата добавления: 09 Мая 2024г.
Просмотров: 32
D    A7    D

D                                          A7
   When I'm alone, I often think of an old house on the hill
Of a big yard hedged in roses where we ran and played at will
                                      D7                      G
And when the nighttime brought us home, hushing our merry din
                                 D                          A7
Mother would look around and ask, "Are all the children in?"

[Verse 2]
D                                            A7
Well, it's been many a year now and the old house on the hill
No longer has my mother's care and the yard is still, so still
                                D7     G
But if I listen, I can hear it all, no matter how long it's been
   D                                       A7            D
I seem to hear my mother ask, "Are all the children in?"

[Verse 3]
D                                                A7
   And I wonder, when the curtain falls on that last earthly day
When we say goodbye to all of this, to our pain and work and play
                             D7                G
When we step across the river where mother so long has been
                  D                             A7
Will we hear her ask a final time, "Are all the children in?"
(I come)
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