Аккорды Johnny Cash - The Caretaker

Добавлено: @romashka
Дата добавления: 09 Мая 2024г.
Просмотров: 38
[Verse 1]
A                 E7
   I live in the cemetery
    D                     A
Oh, Caretaker, they call me
In the wintertime, I rake the leaves
           D                 A
And in the summer, I cut the weeds
       D                       A
When a funeral comes the people cry and pray
     E7                        A
They bury their dead then they all go away
D                          A
But through their grief, I still can see
      E7             A
Their hate and greed and jealousy
D                    A
So here I work and I somehow hide
       E7                A
From a world that rushes by outside
D                     A
And each night when I rest my head
       E7        D            A
I'm contented as the peaceful dead

But who's gonna cry when old John dies?
E7                   D        A
Who's gonna cry when old John dies?

[Verse 2]
A             E7
Once I was a young man
D                 A
Dashing with the girls
Now no one wants an old man
  D                 A
I lost my handsome curls
    D                A
But I wanna say when my time comes
E7                   A
   Lay me facing the rising sun
D                          A
Put me in a corner where I buried my pop
         E7                A
Tell the preacher to pray, then cover me up
D                          A
Don't lay flowers where my head should be
E7                     A
Maybe God will let some grow from me
     D                              A
And all the little children that I loved like my own
E7                      D          A
Will they be sorry that old John's gone?

Who's gonna cry when old John dies?
E7                   D        A
Who's gonna cry when old John dies?
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