Аккорды Johnny Cash - New Mexico

Добавлено: @romashka
Дата добавления: 10 Мая 2024г.
Просмотров: 57
[Verse 1]
N.C.   A                           E7         A
It was in the town of Griffin, the year was '83
       D                               A
It was there an old cowpuncher stepped up and said to me
     D                           A
"How do you do, young fellow and how would you like to go
                                E7         A
And spend a pleasant summer out in New Mexico?"

[Verse 2]
      A                            E7             A
"I'll furnish you good wages, your transportation too
   D                           A
If you will but go with me one summer season through
    D                              A
But if you should get homesick and back to Griffin go
                                         E7           A
Then I'll furnish you no horses from the hills of Mexico"

[Verse 3]
   A                               E7             A
We left the town of Griffin in the merry month of May
     D                            A
When all the world was lovely and everything was gay
     D                               A
With saddles on our horses, marching onward, we did go
                               E7         A
Until we reached Old Boggy out in New Mexico

[Verse 4]
       A                                 E7               A
It was there our pleasures ended and our troubles, they began
    D                                 A
The first hailstorm fell on us, those cattle, how they ran
        D                               A
Through all the thorns and thistles, us cowboys had to go
                                      E7         A
While the Indians watched upon us out in New Mexico

[Verse 5]
      A                            E7               A
Well, when the drive was over, the riders would not pay
   D                          A
To all you happy people, this much I have to say
   D                                         A
Go back to your friends and loved ones, tell others not to go
                                E7           A
To the godforsaken country they call New Mexico
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