Аккорды Pharrell Williams - Prettiest Girls

Добавлено: @romashka
Дата добавления: 08 Сентября 2024г.
Просмотров: 10
Pretty girl, pretty girl, 
Oh no here comes a pretty girl , pretty girl

Uh oh here comes a pretty girl...

A6                             Em
Hey!I know what you are thinking
A6                    Em
I know what you will say
A6                                   Em
you made up this whole far  fetched thing 
A6                                 Em
about the reasons that i have changed

F#m                   Em
well i'm still the tiger
F#m                         Em
and the jungle is still my home
F#m                   Em
but she blew out my fire
F#m                              Em
and now my killer instincts are gone

A6                  Em
what did you do?!!!

A6                             Em
everything lost its worth to me
A6                        Em
everything in this world 
A6                             Em
ever since it occurred to me that
A6                        Em
you are the prettiest girls

A6                   Em
my life is so amazing
A6                             Em
let me explain how it got that way
F A6                             Em
well if happiness was standing at your door 
A6                             Em
i mean tell me what would you say? 

F#m                     Em
but i am no liar and you rearranged my home
F#m                     Em
and i wonder how i dont get tired
F#m                     Em
of loving the three of you instead of what i own

A6               Em
all that is gone!

A6                             Em
everything lost its worth to me
A6                       Em
everything in this world 
A6                             Em
ever since it occurred to me that
A6                             Em
you are the prettiest girls

F#m                     Em
what are you doing to me?
F#m                     Em
what's so drastic all my friends see?
you say nothing, nothing, nothing
but it's really something, something, something

you won't answer me
and all the while
my heart just melts 
from your innocent smile
it's strange
oh god i think i have changed

there's one thing that's sure
is everyday i love you some more
my hand's been handcuffed 
and loved by you
so is there really anything i could do?


A6                             Em
everything lost its worth to me
A6                     Em
everything in this world 
A6                             Em
ever since it occurred to me that
A6                             Em
you are the prettiest girls
Музыка, подобно дождю, капля за каплей, просачивается в сердце и оживляет его (Роллан)
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