Аккорды Прикольные песни - Alleluia Gracious Jesus

Добавлено: @romashka
Дата добавления: 11 Июля 2024г.
Просмотров: 43
[Verse 1]
C     Am    Dm       G
Al-le-luia! Gracious Jesus!
C         Am       Dm    G   C
Yours the scepter, yours the throne!
C     Am    Dm7       G7
Al-le-luia! yours the triumph,
C         Am   C/B G C
yours the victory  a-lone!
Em        Am       C/B      G  G7 
Hark! The songs of peaceful Zi-on
C       Am     Dm     G
thunder like a mighty flood;
C       Dm     Am    G  G7
Jes-us, out of ev'ry na-tion
C        F         G7      C
you've redeemed us by your blood."

[Verse 2]
C     Am    Dm     G
Al-le-luia! Not as orphans
C      Am      Dm G   C
are we left in sorrow now.
C     Am    Dm7     G7
Al-le-luia! You are near us;
C       Am          C/B G     C
faith believes, nor questions how.
Em         Am         C/B     G      G7
Though the cloud from sight received you
C        Am    Dm        G
when the forty days were o'er,
C         Dm        Am       G   G7
shall our hearts forget your pro-mise,
C     F        G7  C
"I am with you evermore."

[Verse 3]
C     Am    Dm       G
Al-le-luia! Bread of an - gels,
C      Am        Dm    G   C
you on earth our food, our stay.
C     Am    Dm7      G7
Al-le-luia! Here the sin - ful
C       Am       C/B G  C
flee to you from day to day.
Em   Am       C/B       G  G7
Interces-sor, friend of sinners,
C         Am       Dm        G
earth's Redeem-er, plead for me,
C       Dm         Am       G   G7
and the songs that sound in hea-ven
C      F         G7       C
will repeat your gracious plea.

[Verse 4]
C     Am    Dm      G
Al-le-luia! Christ eternal,
C       Am     Dm   G    C
nothing can disrupt your reign;
C     Am    Dm7     G7
Al-le-luia! Born of Ma - ry,
C          Am        C/B  G C
Heaven and earth are your domain.
Em    Am       C/B   G G7
Human life you fully entered,
C       Am       Dm       G
Tending those we count as least,
C        Dm      Am         G   G7
ser-ving both as priest and vic-tim.
C      F      G7    C
in the euchar-istic feast.
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