Аккорды Snowy White - Love Is Not Possession

Добавлено: @romashka
Дата добавления: 15 Мая 2024г.
Просмотров: 44

Asus2 Bm F#m E
Asus2 Bm F#m E


       Asus2      Bm
It's a mystery to me
F#m         E                          Asus2 Bm F#m E
No rhyme or reason to it, far as I can see
        Asus2                Bm         F#m  E
Love is everywhere, but it's so hard to find
        Asus2                   Bm F#m E
I guess love can make you blind
         Asus2                Bm         F#m
It's not always where it's supposed to be
                  E                       A     Bm F#m E
Sometimes it just hits you like a falling tree
          Asus2            Bm               F#m
But I wonder why it causes so much jealousy


Bm      Asus2           Bm E
Love is not possession
               Bm E
Not possession

[Verse 2]

       Asus2          Bm
It can take you by surprise
         F#m               E
Just the look in someone's eyes
    Asus2           Bm
Can fire your imagination
                    F#m               E
Maybe life could be better after all
            Asus2        Bm
But there's no way to be sure
                       F#m            E
So you got to learn to take it day by day
      Asus2                 Bm                  F#m
And accept the fact that it might just fade away

[Chorus 2]

Bm      Asus2           Bm E
Love is not possession
               Bm E
Not possession

[Verse 3]

Asus2            Bm
It can take many forms
           F#m             E
A mother's look for a baby just been born
    Asus2                 Bm                         F#m  E
And how you feel for your best friend in his hour of need
  Asus2                      Bm
A soldier can feel a kind of love
       F#m                           E
Or the guys who shares his dice with death
Asus2                Bm                    F#m E
'Cause you know it's all things to all men
        Asus2                Bm
But you can't expect to have control
     F#m              E
Over when and how you feel it
           Asus2                    Bm
And it's a shame when people try to hold on to it
F#m                             E
When they should let it die its natural death
            Asus2           Bm
'Cause it's final death can set you free
             F#m               E
To start the next part of your life because

[Chorus 3]

Bm      Asus2           Bm E
Love is not possession
Not possession


Asus2 Bm F#m E
Asus2 Bm F#m E
Asus2 Bm F#m E
Asus2 Bm F#m E

Asus2 Bm F#m E
Asus2 Bm F#m E
Asus2 Bm F#m E
Asus2 Bm F#m E

Bm Asus2 E
Bm Asus2 E
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