Аккорды Stereophonics - More Life In A Tramps Vest
Добавлено: | @romashka |
Дата добавления: | 12 Декабря 2015г. |
Рейтинг: | |
Просмотров: | 352 |
A D I get camping eyes and a funny laugh, B Last minute shoppers picking cauliflower. D A First to make, swear that they but it in a car. A D You always moan, moan its not too cheap, B Cheaper still, cheaper still down the street, D A Lose my rag and tell them take it back and shop down there D Closing down, closing down another road B One way system steals the show. D Nothing else swigs a can and sings all day, when there's A D E E||-0--0--2--4--|| More life more life more life-uh in a tramps vest X2 A D Flower man, sits down in the street, B Surrounded by, spark he bought a bag last week D A Bring back, the ladies wearing lipstick under teeth D Make up, make up a crappy joke, B Sit back, relax, and have a smoke, D Nothing else swigs a can and sings all day, when there's A D E E||-0--0--2--4--|| More life more life more life-uh in a tramps vest X4 A D E E||-0--0--2--4--|| solo A D I get camping eyes and a funny laugh, B Last minute shoppers picking cauliflower. D Nothing else swigs a can and sings all day, when there's A D E E||-0--0--2--4--|| More life more life more life-uh in a tramps vest X4 For the solo :- 0--2/4--4--0-0-2/4-4-0---|--------------------------------------| -------------------------|--------------------------------------| -------------------------|-4H5--5-5-5---4h5-5-5-5---------------| -------------------------|--------------------------------------| -------------------------|--------------------------------------| -------------------------|--------------------------------------|
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