Аккорды «The Smashing Pumpkins»
В 1988 году чикагские клубы были полностью охвачены течением танцевальной музыки (house music), которая буквально взорвала город двумя годами раньше. А тем временем в одном из польских баров Чикаго, находящимся недалеко от центра города, рождалось новое движение в музыке. Долговязый гитарист со своим другом заводили публику под музыку jazz-punk. 18 месяцев спустя эти два человека стали называть себя Smashing Pumpkins. Подписав контракт с звукозаписывающей фирмой Virgin, группа превратилась из провинциальной…
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В 1988 году чикагские клубы были полностью охвачены течением танцевальной музыки (house music), которая буквально взорвала город двумя годами раньше. А тем временем в одном из польских баров Чикаго, находящимся недалеко от центра города, рождалось новое движение в музыке. Долговязый гитарист со своим другом заводили публику под музыку jazz-punk. 18 месяцев спустя эти два человека стали называть себя Smashing Pumpkins. Подписав контракт с звукозаписывающей фирмой Virgin, группа превратилась из провинциальной в одну из самых знаменитых альтернативных команд мира, которая без проблем могла смешивать железный звук гитары с психоделикой и джазом. Их творение - "Mellon Collie And The Infinite Sadness" - стало самой большой double-CD продажей, тем временем как полная продажа всех пластинок превысила 10 миллионов.
Из всех альтернативных рок-групп начала девяностых, Smashing Pumpkins менее всего находились под влиянием традиционного рок-андеграунда. Гитарист и автор песен Билли Корган создавал смесь прогрессива, тяжелого металла, готики и психоделии, создавая слоистый, мощный звук. Фактически, Smashing Pumpkins стали моделью для успешной альтернативной группы - "Nirvana" была слишком деструктивна, а Pearl Jam избегали успеха. Билли Корган уже с детства был приобщен к музыке, так как его отец был джазовым гитаристом и зарабатывал на жизнь, играя в маленьких посредственных группах. В доме Корганов всегда звучала музыка: Hendrix, Miles Davis, Frank Sinatra, Muddy Waters. Это было первое знакомство Билли с музыкой. Жили они в пригороде Чикаго, и в 19 лет Билли покинул дом, чтобы уехать во Флориду с его неоперившейся готической группой, The Marked. Но команда потерпела неудачу и он в 1988-м возвратился в Чикаго.
В магазине, куда он устроился, Билли встречает James Iha, поразительно красивого американского японца, играющего тогда в колледже, в группе под названием Snake Train, с которым они начали записываться, используя в качестве ударных драм-машину. Играя на гитарах и сочиняя песни, Корган и Иха, наконец, написали столько материала, что хватило на их живой дебют в Полиш баре в Чикаго. Корган исполнял роль бас гитариста и барабанщика. Корган уже имел к тому времени некоторый опыт игры в группе. До этого он играл в Флоридской металлической группе под названием "Меченые" (Marked). Благодаря таланту Коргана генерировать звучание таких групп как Zepp / Floyd / Queen, последовало первое совместное с Iha выступление в одном из чикагских клубов, Польском баре.
Вскоре, после выступления в Чикаго, Корган услышал о группе под названием "Dan Reed Network" , а точнее о женщине по имени Д'Арси. Она играла на гитарах. Корган моментально нашел ее, и спросил, не хочет ли она играть на бас-гитаре в его и Джеймса группе. Билли оставил ей свой телефон, и вскоре она стала третьим участником группы.
Прогрессируя и произростая, Тыквы, наконец, заручились доверием владельца местного клуба, и вскоре были приглашена на разогрев у группы "Jane Addiction", но у них не было барабанщика и ударной установки, но они вскоре появились. Джимми Чамберлен в то время специализировался больше на джазе, чем на альтернативной музыке, но, все же, был втянут.... С участием Чамберлена, Тыквы стали, наконец, полным квартетом. Но в 1996 году Джимми был "уволен" за применение наркотиков и за то, что он послужил причиной смерти клавишника Джонатана Мелвойна.
Следующий шаг группы к известности была запись единственной песни Iha и Corgan "I Am One", которая позже войдёт в первый альбом группы "Gish".
С этого начинается работа Pumpkins над дебютным альбомом, названным по имени героини одного из фильмов (Lillian Gish). "Gish" был записан Бучем Вигом (Butch Vig) в его Smart Studios, и был выпущен в мае 1991 года. Было ясно, что группа начала развиваться после добавления акустических гитар. "Siva" и "Bury Me" - классические произведения для Pumpkins того времени - колотящий бас и пиротехнические гитары. Песни же "Daydream" и квази-психоделическая "Rhinoceros" были ни на что не похожи и стали ключевыми для группы в последующие пять лет. Фактически, песня "Rhinoceros" стала одной из самых талантливых произведений рока 90-ых. Альбом был признан одним из самых продаваемых и популярных альбомов года, исходя из того, что популярный альбом Нирваны "Nevermind" был записан также Вигом и вышел в том же . В альбоме были объединены такое количество разных музыкальных стилей, что он с трудом поддавлся классификации. На музакальные вкусы Билли повлияли такие коллективы, как Black Sabbath, Bauhaus, The Cure, Jimi Hendrix и Cheap Trick. И это сработало... По всему миру было продано 700 000 копий альбома "Gish".
В мае 1991 года группа совершает турне с альбомом "Gish", длившееся 18 месяцев. Это было начало превращения жизни Smashing Pumpkins в "мыльную оперу". Сначала Иха и Д'Арси встречались, но их пара развалилась по ходу турне. Но все эти события никогда не влияли на музыкальные настроения коллектива, но эмоционально весь коллектив это переживал. После завершения турне, Корган впал в депрессию и был на грани самоубийства. Затем Чамберлен заявил, что он болен алкоголизмом и наркоманией, и ему надо лечиться. Все это происходило после удачного тура, казалось, они должны быть на вершине славы, а вместо этого были на грани распада. Популярность Pumpkins возрастает с выходом саундтрэка к популярному фильму "Singles", в котором звучит их песня "Drown".
В 1993 году Корган приходит в студию Triclops Sound, чтобы записать новый альбом "Siamese Dream". Взаимоотношения между коллективом оставляли желать лучшего, и Билли Корган, плюнув на Иху и Д'Арси, исполнял практически все гитарные и бас-гитарные части. Но это не помешало Коргану и Вигу закончить альбом за месяц до назначенного срока. Альбом представляет собой как бы два аспекта творчества группы. Например, такие песни как "Silverfuck" и "Geek USA"- резкие и жесткие по звучанию, в то время как "Disarm" и "Soma" - мелодичны и спокойны.
Летом 1993 года альбом занимает четверое место, после чего Pumpkins отправляются в очередное турне. Второй альбом Тыкв разошелся тиражом в 3 миллиона копий.
В группе страсти еще не успели успокоиться, но музыкально Тыквы окончательно утвердились, как коллектив. И в 1994 году удостоились чуть ли не самой высшей награды, которой может удостоиться альтернативная группа - они были приглашены выступать в первых "рядах" тура Llollapalooza того года.
Сразу после Lolapalooza группа прилетела в Чикаго, и Корган кинулся писать материал для нового альбома. До того, как новые песни были записаны, появился сборник старых песен не вошедших ни в один альбом. Сборник появился в октябре 1994 года и назывался "Pisces Iscariot".
"Собирая" материал для нового альбома, Корган "дособирался" до того, что решил не морочить себе и другим голову, а выпустить двойной альбом с 28 песнями. Когда началась работа над "Mellon Collie And The Infinite Sadness" взаимоотношения в коллективе значительно потеплели. Коргану удалось отдохнуть, а Д'Арси и Иха начали выполнять свои прямые обязанности, то есть играть на своих инструментах. Но, как и раньше, Корган метался по студии, желая довести звучание до совершенства. Работая в этот раз с Флудом (Flood) и Аланом Молдером (Alan Moulder), Корган сумел найти новые пути звучания, существенно улучшив звучание музыки The Smashing Pumpkins.
Многие сомневались, что двойной диск, тем более с таким дурацким названием, будет иметь успех. Однако альбом оказаля на первой строчке хит-парадов. В Штатах было продано свыше 4 миллионов экземпляров, в результате чего пластинка стала мультиплатиновой. "Тыквы" собирали целые стадионы и были на пике популярности, когда в группе опять начались проблемы. 12 июля от передозировки героина скончался клавишник группы, Джонатан Мелвин. Чамберлин чудом умудрился переварить такую же дозу, но его выгнали из команды. "Smashing pumpkins" потратили два месяца на поиски нового барабанщика. В августе было объявлено, что гастрольным ударником группы станет Мэтт Уолкер, а Деннис Флемион-гастрольным клавишником.
Далее последовал тур в поддержку нового альбома. Тур оказался на редкость удачным... А весной 1997-го "Smashing pumpkins" сделали запись двух саундтреков ("The Beginning Is The End Is The Beginning" и "The End Is The Beginning Is The End") к фильму "Batman & Robin".
И, вот в 1998 году Тыквы начинают работу над новым альбомом "Adore".Но что-то произошло со звучанием, и альбом получился, мягко говоря, попсовый. И хотя они работали и в этот раз с Флудом, но ничего похожего на "Mellon Collie And The Infinite Sadness" не получилось.
Весной 1998 года Pumpkins отправляются в турне в поддержку "Adore". Тур назывался "The Arising".
Тут в группу возвращается Джимми Чэмберлен, и, по рассказам "очевидцев", Джимми взялся за дело... Но, вроде бы, группа опять в полном составе. Однако осенью 1999 года из группы уходит бессменная басистка Д'Арси...
И в 2000 году следуюет финальный аккорд от The Smashing Pumpkins - альбом "Machina / The Machines Of God".
Немного времени спустя Корган объявил о своем решении распустить группу. С бывшей басисткой "Hole" Мелиссой Ауф Дер Маур вместо Д'Арси, в 2000 году "Smashing pumpkins" начали свой прощальный тур. 2 декабря в Чикаго они дали заключительный концерт. В 2001 году Корган совместно с Чамберлином замутил новый проект "Zwan", а Иха и Ауф Дер Маур начали играть в "The Virgins".
В 2005 году Билли Корган публикует в чикагской газете объявление о желании возродить The Smashing Pumpkins — на которое откликается барабанщик Чамберлин. В конце 2006 года Корган сообщает о записи нового альбома; из прежнего состава группы в деле только Чамберлин, имена остальных музыкантов не разглашаются. 7 февраля 2007 года в 7 часов 7 минут в блоге Коргана появляется сообщение с названием и датой релиза альбома: Zeitgeist (нем. «Дух времени»), шестая студийная пластинка, увидит свет 7 июля 2007 года (07.07.07). Позднее объявляется о восьми европейских фестивальных выступлениях группы, предваряющих выход альбома (с 28 мая по 17 июня)…
Билли Корган (Billy Corgan) — вокал, гитара, бас, клавишные
Джимии Чамберлин (Jimmy Chamberlin) — барабаны (1988-1996, 1999-2000 и с 2005 г.)
Джефф Шрёдер (Jeff Schroeder) — гитара
Джинджер Рис (Ginger Reyes) — бас, вокал
Лиза Хэрритон (Lisa Harriton) — клавишные
Прежние участники группы
Джеймс Иха (James Iha) — гитара (1988-2000)
Д’арси Врецки (D’Arcy Wretzky) — бас-гитара (1988-1999)
Мелисса Ауф Дер Маур (Melissa Auf Der Maur) — бас-гитара (1999-2000)
Мэтт Уокер (Matt Walker) — барабаны (1996-1997)
EP, B-sides
Pisces Iscariot (1994)
Zero EP (1996)
Aeroplane Flies High (1996)
Earphoria (2002)
Gish (1991)
Siamese Dream (1993)
Mellon Collie and the Infinite Sadness (1995)
Adore (1998)
MACHINA / The Machines of God (2000)
MACHINA II / The Friends & Enemies of Modern Music (2000)
Zeitgeist (2007)
Monuments to an Elegy (2014)
Riff #1 G|---------------------| D|---------------------| A|---------------------| E|-7-0--7-0--7-0--7-0--| Window paine Around my heart Shadows streak Around my heart Riff #2 G|-----------------------------------------------------------------------| D|-----------------------------------------------------------------------| A|-5--7-----------5--7-----------5--7------------------------------------| E|-------7-0-7-0--------7-0-7-0--------7-0-7-0--3--3-3-3---3-5-5-5--5-0--| Do…
The first riff is clean. play this rhythm twice. Bsus2 --------------------------|--------------------------| --------2-----4-----2-----|--------2-----4-----2-----| -----------------4--------|-----------------4--------|…
|----------------------------------------------------- |-8/10---10/12---12~----12---15---15---15-----15------ |------0-------0----0-0----0----0----0----0-0----0--0- |----------------------------------------------------- |----------------------------------------------------- |----------------------------------------------------- |--------------------------------------15--------15----- |-8/10---10/12---12~----12---15---15-------15-------15-- |------0-------0----0-0----0----0----0---------0-------0 |------------------------------------------------------- |------------------------------------------------------- |------------------------------------------------------- |------------------------------------------------------- |-1715-----1513---13-12---12---12h13-12h13-12h13-12--- |-------0-0-------0-------0----0----------------------14 |------------------------------------------------------- |------------------------------------------------------- |------------------------------------------------------- |------------------------------------------------------- |-------------1715-----1513---13-12---12---12h13-12h13 |-12~-12-12---------0-0-------0-------0----0------------ |-----------0------------------------------------------- |------------------------------------------------------- |------------------------------------------------------- |---------------------------------------------------- |-12h13-12--------------1715-----1513---13-12---12- |----------14-12~-12-12-------0-0-------0-------0---- |---------------------------------------------------- |---------------------------------------------------- |---------------------------------------------------- |-15---15--------15b------------------------------------ |-15------15-------------------------------------------- |-12---------12----------------------------------------- |(0)---------------------------------------------------- |------------------------------------------------------- |-------------------------------------------------------…
Acoustic Chorus |------------------------------------------------------------------| |------------------------------------------0---------------0-------| |----------2-----------4-----4---------2-----2---2-----2-----2---2-| |-----4------4---4-------------------2---------2-----2---------2---| |---4----------4-----6-----6-----6-0-----0---------0-----0---------| |-2-----2----------4-----4-----4-----------------------------------| Verse |---------------------------------------------------------| |-------------------------0-------------------------------| |-------------4-------2-----2---2-------------------------| |-----4---------6---2---------2---------------------------| |---4-------6-----0-----0---------------------------------| |-2-----2-4-----------------------------------------------|…
Intro: E, Em E Em E the sewers belch me up... E Em E the heavens spit me out... E Em E Em from ethers tragic I…
Tune down half a step G - 3x0033 Gmaj7 - 3x0032 D - xx0232 A - x02220 Em7 - 022030 Main riff: Eb|-------------------------------------------------------------------- Bb|-----3--------3--------3--------3-----3--------3--------3--------3--…
The song does not have a solo intro like the other one so both guitars play this. figure 1 e|-------------------------------------------------------------| b|------8-8-8-----8-8-8-x-x------------------------------------| g|------8-8-8-x-x-7-7-7-x-x------------------------------------| d|------8-8-8-x-x-8-8-8-x-x-6-6-6-6-6-6-5s6-5s6----------------|…
|----------------------------------------------------------- |----------------------------------------------------------- |--4-4-4-4-4--4-4-4-----------4-4-4-4----------------------- |--4-4-4-4-4--4-4-4--2-2-2-2--4-4-4-4----------------------- |--2-2-0-2-2--2-2-2--2-2-2-2--0-0-0-0----------------------- |--0-0-0-0-0--3-3-3--0-0-0-0--------------------------------…
F Fucky ass bitch Db shit lick dick F crappy poo poo plow Db who halo how? Chorus: E Fucky fucky shit shit, whoa! E Fucky fucky shit shit, mama! E Fucky fucky shit shit, Yeah Man!
Tune Down 1/2 Step and Drop D: Db Ab Db Gb Bb Eb Chord Fingerings: (guitar 2 adds power chords throughout) F Am Em Dm G C Gb F A D E| 1 0 0 1 x 0 x x x x B| 1 1 0 3 x…
Riff1 G|------------------------------------| D|------------------------------------| E's are sometimes A|7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7---------------------| played low E's E|----------------8-8-8-8-8-8-XhXhXhXh| Play Riff1 four times…
Tuning: Db Ab db Gb During the intro play: G|------------------------------------| d|------------------------------------| A|0--------0------0-0-3-------------3-| D|------------------------------------| When it gets loud: Riff1-1…
Tuning:E Tom: F Intro: F Am C (2x) F Am Radio, play my favourite song C F Radio___ radio___ radio Am C I'm alone ra_____dio Dm Dsus2 F Am…
Tuning: One-half step down (Eb Ab Db Gb Bb Eb) Intro -----------------------------------------| -----------------------------------------| -7/9-9-9-9-9-9-9-9-9-7/9-9-9-9-9-9-9-9-9-| -7/9-9-9-9-9-9-9-9-9-7/9-9-9-9-9-9-9-9-9-| -5/7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-5/7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-| -0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-| Intro…
Standard Tuning: E A D G B E Chord Fingerings: D Em D/A Bm E| 2 0 2 2 B| 3 0 3 3 G| 2 0 2 4 D| 0 2 0 4 A| x 2 0 2 E| x 0 x x Fig1 |--------------| |-8-7-5-3-3-3--| |--------------| |--------------| |--------------| |--------------| |D…
Tuning:E [Intro] G E A/D Bm G Em A/D Bm G Em A/D Bm Pop__ Tart__, what's our mission_? Do we know__ but never listen_? G Em…
Tuning:Eb C Am-G-C-G and if there is a god Am G-G-Am-Am i know he likes to rock F Am he likes his loud guitars G C and…
Tuning:E E5 F#5 G5 A5 B5 x2 E5 F#5 G5 A5 B5 E5 F#5 G5 A5 B5 Quiet, I am sleeping, E5 F#5 G5 A5 B5 E5 F#5 G5 A5 B5 In here, I need a little hope E5 F#5 G5 A5 B5 E5 F#5 G5 A5 B5 For years,…
Tuning:Eb Intro: G5 F#5 Em G5 F#5 Em ten times removed G5 F#5 Em i forget about where it all began G5 F#5 Em bastard son of a bastard son of G5 F#5 Em a wild eyed child of the sun G5…
Riff1 G|----------|----------| D|----------|----------| A|12-12-12--|10-10-10--| E|----------|----------| Riff2 G|------------------------------| D|------------------------------| A|0-0--3-3--5----0-0------------| E|--------------------3-3--2----| Hold…
* Tuned (Eb,Ab,Db,Gb,Bb,Eb) * Eb-|------------------------------------------------------------| Bb-|---5------5-------5-------5-------5------5------5-----5-----| Gb-|----4------4-------4-------4-------4------4------4-----4----| Db-|-----2------2-------2-------2-------2------2------2-----2---| Ab-|-4------4-------2-------2-------0-------0-------------------| Eb-|-----------------------------------------------2-----2------| Lyrics…
Tuning: Drop D Come in with the drums Riff 1 G|------------| d|------------| A|5--3--8--6--| D|------------| Play Riff 1 twice Then to Riff 2 Riff 2 G|---------------| d|---------------| A|5----3---------| D|----------5----| Sometimes…
Tuning:E Intro: B B B B B B F#m F#m do you close your eyes when you kiss me B B F#m E do you close your eyes if you miss me C#m Am C#m A and do you wonder why i sent for you tonight C#m Am Asus4 do you wonder why…
TUNING: Standard (Low/High E A D G B E) Main Riff: Repeat x |----------------------------------- |----------------------------------- |----------------------------------- |----------------------------------- |--10b11b10b11b10-5--5--5-5--5-5--- |---8b-9b-8b-9b-8-3--3--3-3--3-3--- Verse…
INTRO G ------------------------------------------------- D ------------------------------------------------- A ------------------------------------------------- E ---3-3/10---1-1-1-1---3-3/10---1-1-1-1------- sleep will…
Tuning 1/2 step down (as if I really need to say that) Intro G Am VERSE G Am Lily, my one and only G Am I can hardly wait til I see her G Am Silly I know I'm silly…
Intro & Verses (Dsus2,E: repeat 3 times),Aadd6 Dsus2 E Aadd6 0 0 0h2 3 0 2 2 1 2 0 2 2 x 2 0 x 0 x I'll sing for you if you want me too bit. A,G,D/F#,D/F#,E A,G,D/F#,D/F#. And…
TUNING: 1/2 step down, dropped D (actually Db), with capo on 2nd fret. The 3rd fret now becomes the 1st fret etc. (this is just to be consistent with the half step down thing) Piano arranged for…
Repeat 10x --2h3p2-------------2h3p2-----2-3-- --------4-3-1-3-3-3-------x-x------ ----------------------------------- ----------------------------------- ----------------------------------- ----------------------------------- Then…
e-------------------------------------------------------| b-------------------------------------------------------| g------0-----0-----0-----0-----0-----0-----0-----0------| d-------------------------------------------------------| a-------------------------------------------------------| e---0-----3-----2-----5-----7-----10-----8-----5--------|…
Tunning: E A D G __________________________ _______________________________ /Riff 1 /Riff 2 G|---------------------------|---------------------------------| D|---------------------------|---------------------------------| A|---3-----3-----------------|---------3--3--3-----------------| E|5-----3-----3--1--1--3--3--|5--5--5-----------3--3--3--3--3--|…
Tuning:Eb G B E To my mistakes, to my mistakes of cowardice G B E G She shimmy shakes, the jimmy jakes of consequence G…
Riff 1 e----------------------------------------------------------- B----------------------------------------------------------- G----------------------------------------------------------- D--10/-9---9p7--2-2-2---910/9---9p7------------------------ A--10/-9---9p7--2-2-2---910/9---9p7------------------------ E---8/-7---7p0--0-0-0---7-8/7---7p0------------------------ pm:…
Tuning: Normal No bass until after the guitar slide Riff1 G|----------------------------:--------------| D|----------------------------:--------------| A|----------------------------:2-2-2-2-3-3-2-| E|0--0-0--0-0-0-3--3-3--3-3-3-:--------------| Before…
All guitairs half a step down (Eb,Ab,Db,Gb,Bb,Eb). The solo gave me a bit of heart attack too but - its right. Intro: Guitar1:Eb--0-----------0-----------0------------------------------| Bb--2--x--x-----2--x--x-----2--x--x------------------------|…
Tuning :E Am Am Unleash the Armageddon Am So all the children go to heaven Am I sit by quiet still with their pictures on my eyes Am You'll draw the guns you're given Am Write down the words as written Am And never…
Riff 1 E ---3/3---3---3/3---3---3/3---3---111-----| A ---------------------------------------------3-| D ------------------------------------------------| G ------------------------------------------------| Riff 2 E…
E-|------------------------------------------------------------------| B-|------------------------------------b(11)10r--7-7h8p7-5--5/7------| G-|----------------------0--2/4--7-7/9-------------------------------| D-|-2---b(5)4r---0--2/4----------------------------------------------| A-|------------------------------------------------------------------| E-|------------------------------------------------------------------| E-|-5--5/7--10-12---14-12-15-14-7--8-7/5--3-2--3-2-3-2--0-2--5/7--5--| B-|------------------------------------------------------------------| G-|------------------------------------------------------------------| D-|------------------------------------------------------------------| A-|------------------------------------------------------------------| E-|------------------------------------------------------------------| E-|-3p2--0-2-3--8p7p5--3-5-3-b(6)5r--2-3-2-0-2--3/5--5-8-10/12--14---| B-|------------------------------------------------------------------| G-|------------------------------------------------------------------| D-|------------------------------------------------------------------| A-|------------------------------------------------------------------| E-|------------------------------------------------------------------| E-|-b(15)14-x6-------------------------------------------------------| B-|------------------------------------------------------------------| G-|------------------------------------------------------------------| D-|------------------------------------------------------------------| A-|------------------------------------------------------------------| E-|------------------------------------------------------------------|…
Tuning: E A D G Riff 1 G|----------------| D|----------------| A|---4--6---------| E|6------------4--| Riff 2 is very hard to hear in the song. I really can't make it out so here is a shot in the dark as to how its played. Riff…
Tune Down 1/2 Step and drop the B string to A: Eb Ab Db Gb Ab Eb Chord Fingerings: A5 Gadd2 Bm7sus4 Dsus2 B7sus4 E E| 0 x 0 0 0 0 A| 0 0 0 5 0 2 G|…
(acoustic) E|-O-------0-------0-------0-------| A|-4-------6-------1-------1-------| D|-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-| G|-5-5-5-5-7-7-7-7-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-| B|-6-6-6-6-8-8-8-8-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-| c|-6-6-6-6-8-8-8-8-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-|…
Tune Down 1/2 Step: Eb Ab Db Gb Bb Eb Chord Fingerings: D5 A5 E5 F#5 B5 E| x x x x x B| x x x x x G| 7 x x x 4 D| 7 7 2 4 4 A| 5 7 2 4 2 E| x 5 0 2 x Fig1 (bass) |---------------------------------| |---------------------------------| |---------------------------------| |-2-2-2-2-0-0-0-0-5-5-5-5-0-0-0-0-| (Fig1) god…
Tuning: E A D G Starts off with a cool bass intro Riff 1 G|------------------3-------------------------------| D|----------3-4-6------------6----------------------| A|----3-4-6-------6---4----4------------------------| E|4-6--------------------------4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4h4-4--| On…
Tuning:E |G |D |Am |Am | |G |D |Am |Am | |G |D |Am |Am | G D Am G Horses run once in a while for you G D Am G The shades will draw once in a while for you Em…
TUNE DOWN 1 STEP (Eb, Ab, Db, Gb, Bb, Eb) Intro (Rythym guitar part) Pm....................... e:--------------------------| B:--------------------------| G:--------------------------| D:-------3---3--3-3-3-3-3--3| A:-------3---3--3-3-3-3-3--3| E:111---1---1--1-1-1-1-1--1| Verse e:------------------------------| B:------------------------------| G:------------------------------| D:/13--6-6---------10----5--3--5| A:/13--6-6---------10----5--5--5| E:/11--4-4--0-0-0--8--0--3--3--3| You…
Tuning: C G C F INTRO x8 |-------------------------| |---------------------4h5-| |---------3h5-----3h5-----| |-0-0-4h5-----0-0---------| VERSE x4 |-------------------------|-----------| |---------------------4h5-|-----------| |---------3h5-----3h5-----|-----------| |-0-0-4h5-----0-0---------|-2222-5555--| |-------------------------|----------| |---------------------4h5-|----------| |---------3h5-----3h5-----|----------| |-0-0-4h5-----0-0---------|-2222-5555-| |-------------------------|--------------------| |---------------------4h5-|--------------------| |---------3h5-----3h5-----|--------------------| |-0-0-4h5-----0-0---------|-222222222-1111-5555-| PRECHORUS |-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------| |-55555555-44444444-------------------| |-------------------55555555-55555555-| |------------------| |------------------| |------------------| |-00000000-0000000-| CHORUS |-------------------------------------------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------------------------------------------| |-11111111-------------------------------------33333333-------------------| |----------33333333-55555555-00000000-11111111----------55555555-00000000-| |---------------------------------------------------------------| |---------------------------------------------------------------| |-11111111----------------------------33333333------------------| |----------33333333-11111111-00000000----------55555555-0000000-| BRIDGE…
T U N I N G : Еb Ab Db Gb Bb Eb D(2) Dmaj7 |---0---------0---------9---------9-------| |-----10--------10--------10--------10----| |--------11--------11--------11--------11-| |-0---------0---------0---------0---------| |-----------------------------------------| |-----------------------------------------|…
Tuning:Eb |F Am G|x2 F Am G F if they didn't know you then Am G Dsus what makes you think they know you now F Am Dsus vengeance is swift…
Tuning - C, F, Bb, Eb, G, C (same tuning as everlasting gaze, heavy metal machine and the imploding voice) Intro and main riff - |-------------------|------| |-------------------|------| |-------------------|------| |-------------------|------|…
* Eb Tuning (Eb,Ab,Db,Gb,Bb,Eb) * I think the Whole Song is Palm Muted *1 - Intro - Just the Same Chord Over and Over Again Eb-|------------------------------------------------------------------| Bb-|------------------------------------------------------------------| Gb-|------------------------------------------------------------------| Db-|-2----------------------------------------------------------------| Ab-|-2----------------------------------------------------------------| Eb-|-0----------------------------------------------------------------|…
Eb tuning *1 Heavy distortion, palm muting throughout |---------------------------------------------------------| |---------------------------------------------------------| |---------------------------------------------------------| |---------------------------------------------------------| |---------------------------------------------------------| |-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2...5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-| |---------------------------------------------------------| |---------------------------------------------------------| |---------------------------------------------------------| |---------------------------------------------------------| |---------------------------------------------------------| |-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5...2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2....5-5-5-5----|.. gradually…
Tuning: Eb Ab Db Gb Bb Eb (NOTE:2 GUITARS 1 ELECTRIC 1 ACOUSTIC) Eb|-----------------------------| Bb|---------3-------------------|THIS IS PLAYED 8X Gb|-----0-----0-------0-------6-| Db|---3---3-----3---1-------5---| Ab|-1-------------3------/6-----| Eb|-----------------------------|…
Tuning: Eb Ab Db Gb This is Basically the whole song: Riff 1 Gb|-------------| Db|-------------| Ab|2------------| Eb|-----5----3--| And Riff 2 would be the chorus part Riff 2 Gb|--------------| Db|--------------| Ab|5-------------| Eb|-----5-----0--| Then…
1) *1 E-|-----------------------------------------------------| B-|----------/8--3-------------/8--3-------------/8--3--| G-|--4-4-4---/8--3---2/4-4-4-4-/8--3--2/4-4-4-4--/8--3--| D-|--5-5-5---/8--3---3/5-5-5-5-/8--3--3/5-5-5-5--/8--3--| A-|--5-5-5---/6--1---3/5-5-5-5-/6--1--3/5-5-5-5--/6--1--| E-|--3-3-3-----------1/3-3-3-3--------1/3-3-3-3---------| *1 G-|--8h10-8---------------------------------------------| D-|-----------8h10-8------------------------------------| 2) E-|---------------------------------------| B-|---------------------------------------| G-|-3/5-5-5-5---7---7---7---10---10---10--| D-|-3/5-5-5-5---7---7---7---10---10---10--| A-|-3/5-5-5-5---7---7---7---10---10---10--| E-|-1/3-3-3-3---5---5---5---8----8----8---| 3) E-|------------------------------------------------------------| B-|------------------------------8-8/10-10--3-3/5-5-5-5--5--5--| G-|-4--4-------------------------8-8/10-10--3-3/5-5-5-5--5--5--| D-|-5--5---5-3-------------------8-8/10-10--3-3/5-5-5-5--5--5--| A-|-5--5--------5-4-3----3-5-5/6-6-6/8--8---1-1/3-3-3-3--3--3--| E-|-3--3----------------6--------------------------------------| 4)…
E yeah E A i see you comin' from the sky E A i see you callin' from the sky B A E your sky can't heal you again B A E your sky won't…
E ----5--5-5-------------------| |----5------| A -------------7-/-3--3-3-----| |------------| D --------------------------5---| |-----------| G ------------------------------| |-----------| Many times…
Tunning: drop D tuning G-------------------------------| D--7--7-7-9-7-------------------| play twice A--------------7--7-7-7-9-9-9-7-| D-------------------------------| G-----------------------------|-------7-6------------------| D--7--7-7-9-7-----------------|7--7-7-----7----------------| A--------------7--7--7-7-9-7--|-------------7--7-7-7-9-9-77| D-----------------------------|----------------------------| play…
Q=110 4/4 Gtr I |-----| |-----| |-----| |-----| |-----| |-----| |----------------|------------|----------0---|-(0)----| |-------0-(0)----|-(0)--------|-------0------|--------| |-----3----------|------------|-----3--------|--------| |---4------------|------------|---4----------|--------| |-4--------------|------------|-2------------|--------| |-2--------------|------------|-0------------|--------| |----------------|------------|----------0---|-(0)-----------| |-------0-(0)----|-(0)--------|-------0------|---------------| |-----3----------|------------|-----3--------|---------------| |---4------------|------------|---4----------|---------------| |-4--------------|------------|-2------------|---------------| |-2--------------|------------|-0------------|---------------| | |…
|-------------0---------------0---------------------------------|play |-----0---2-----------0---2-----------0---1---3-------0---1---3-|this |-2---------------2---------------2---------------2-------------|2x |---4---4---4---4---4---4---4---4---3---3---3---3---3---3---3---| |---------------------------------------------------------------| |---------------------------------------------------------------| |F#m…
Intro: Cadd9 G/B Em Cadd9 G/B Em E|--------------0----------------------------------0-----------------------| B|--1-------3-----3--------------------1-------3-----3---------------------| G|------0-----0---------0-------0----------0-----0---------0-------0-------| D|----2---2-----------0-------2---2------2---2-----------0-------2---2-----| A|--3---------------2-------2----------3---------------2-------2-----------| E|------------------------0----------------------------------0-------------|…
Tuning: E A D G Riff1 G|-----------------------------| D|-----------------------------| A|-----------------------------| E|2--2-2-0h2--2--2-2-2-0h2-2-2-| At the chorus: Riff2 G|--------------------| D|--------------------| A|--------------------| E|4--4h4--0-0-0-0-0-0-| Play…
This is the often-repeated verse riff the lead starts in with this r E|-----------------|------------------| r |------------------| r B|-----------------|------------------| r |------------8-8-8/| r…
Tune Down 1/2 Step and Drop D: Db Ab Db Gb Bb Eb Chord Fingerings: G C D D(2) F# B A E| x x x x x x x B| x x x x x x x G| x 5 7 x…
Verse 1: A Emaj7 E Shakedown nineteen seven nine, A Emaj7 E Cool kids never have the time. A F#m7 On a live wire right up off…
G1 and G2 distortion |--------------------------------------------------| |--------------------------------------------------| |--------------------------------------------------| |--------------------------------------------------| |---------2--5----2-5--------2-5-------------------| |-12--0-0------0------0--0-0----6~--5-3-5-3-------| |--------------------------------------------------| |--------------------------------------------------| |--------------------------------------------------| |-----------------------------0--------------------| |-------2--5----2-5-----0-1-2---1~~----------------| |-0--0-0------0------0--------------5-3-5-3--------| *1 |--------------------------------------------------| |--------------------------------------------------| |--------------------------------------------------| |--------------------------------------------------| |-------2--5----2-5--------2-5---------------------| |-0--0-0------0------0--0-0----6~--5-3-5-3---------| |--------------------------------------------------| |--------------------------------------------------| |--------------------------------------------------| |-----------------------------0--------------------| |-------2--5----2-5-----0-1-2---1~~----------------| |-0--0-0------0------0--------------5-3-5-3--------| *2 |--------------------------------------------------| |--------------------------------------------------| |-------X-2--X-4--------X-2--X-2-------------------| |-4--4--X-2--X-4--4--4--X-2--X-2-------------------| |-4--4--X-0--X-2--4--4--X-0--X-0-------------------| |-2--2------------2--2-----------------------------|…
Intro: - e------------------------------------------0--1--2------1------------ B------------------------------------------1--0--3------0------------ G------------------------------------------0--0--2------0------------ D------------------------------------------2--0--0------0------------ A-2----2----2----2----2---2----2----2------3--2--X------2------------ E-3----0----3----0----3---0----3----0------0--3--X------3------------…
Chord formations: D: 000232 D/F#: 200233 (fret low E string w/thumb) G: 320033 G6/A: 002033 C(9): 023033 Guitar I-(clean electric)written in tab Guitar II-(acoustic) chords written above tab Intro: D G6/A…
Tunning: Eb Ab Db Gb Riff 1 Gb|----------------------| Db|----------------------| Ab|----------------------| Eb|4----0----4----0----2-| Reapeat this Riff 1 many times NOTE: Remember i am not tabbing the rhythm! Riff 2(chorus) Gb|--------------------------------| Db|--------------------------------| Ab|--------------------------------| Eb|0----4----0----4----0----4----2-| Then…
INTRO: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| --------0^1------------------------------------------------0^1-------------------------| --0^1-------1-1--0---------------------------------0^1-------1-1--0--------------------|…
Tuning:E INTRO C C G F C C G F Am Am G Dm G G G G C C G Am We watch the children playing C C G Am Beside the Christmas tree C C G Am The presents are wrapped up F F F…
Tuning: D A d G Intro Riff1 G|----------|------------------| d|----------|------------------| A|0h5--0h5--|0-0h0-5-------5-5-| D|----------|--------0-0h0-----| Play Riff1 for a while, sometimes playing the intro. During…
Dropped D tuning ----------------------------| ----------------------------| ----------------------------| --0--0--0--3--3--3--4--4--4-| --0--0--0--3--3--3--4--4--4-| --0--0--0--3--3--3--4--4--4-| This is…
Tune Down 1/2 Step and drop A string to G: Eb Gb Db Gb Bb Eb Chord Fingerings: G1 Gmaj7 Gsus2 G2 Cadd9 Dsus2/A D6/9sus4 Cmaj7 E| x x x x x x x x B|…
Tuning:Eb Dsus The sun has blessed, the rays are gone Bm And all the kids have left their tears and gone home Sweet 17, sour 29…
Bass line |---------------------------------| |---------------------------------| |-5-7-9-12-10-10-10-0-3-3---------| |---------------------------------| All guitars in Drop D *1 |------------------------------------------------------| |--------------------12--12-12--5-5--5----------------| |-7--9--11-14-12-----12--12-12--5-5--5----------------| |-X--X--X--X--X--X-X-12--12-12--5-5--5----------------| |-5--7--9--12-10-X-X-10--10-10--3-3--3----------------| |-0--0--0--0--0--X-X(0)--------------------------------|…
This is my way to play the chords: B E G F# A C F D E------0-----0-----3-----9-----5-----8-----1----10-- B------0-----0-----0-----9-----5-----8-----1----10-- G------8-----9-----0----11-----6-----9-----2----11-- D------9-----9-----0----11-----7----10-----3----12-- A------9-----7-----2-----9-----7----10-----3----12-- E-----(7)---(7)----3-----9-----5-----8-----1----19-- Hints:…
Tuning: Eb CHORDS USED: E A D G B E - - - - - - E 0 2 2 1 0(0) E(i) 0 2 2 4 2 x (actually E (no 3rd) (add C#) Emaj7 0 2 2 4 4 4 Esus2 0 7 9 9 7 7 A x 0 2 2 2 0 A5 x 0 2 2 x x G#m 4 6…
Tuning :Eb Em6 A Em6 A Em6 A Em6 A Em6 A Em6 A To the centre of the earth, or anywhere that god decides Em6 A Full of fever…
Tuning:E E A I've wasted all my years E A Been chasin' all my fears E A For another Brighter than you F#m E F#m E F#m E…
C E G C What's the matter E G C What's the difference E G C You'll feel better E G C If you lie with the stars E G C In your eyes E…
Intro/main: (3x) |--------------------------------|-----------------------------------| |--------------------------------|-----------------------------------| |15--------------11--------------|15--------------11----11/12-12/14--| |-X---------------X--------------|-X---------------X-----X/-X--X/-X--| |13---------------9--------------|13---------------9-----9/10-10/12--| |--0-0-0-0-0-0-0---0-0-0-0-0-0-0-|--0-0-0-0-0-0-0---0-0--------------| note:…
Tuning:Eb F#m Dsus say goodbye on a night like this Bm Dsus if it's the last thing we ever do F#m Dsus you never looked as lost as this Bm Dsus sometimes it doesn't even look like you F#m it goes dark Dsus it goes darker…
Tune down 1/2 step to (Eb,Ab,Db,Gb,Bb,Eb) Eb--------------------------------------------------| Bb-----0--------0--------------0--------0-----------| Gb--------0--------0-----0--------0--------0-----0--| Db--------------------------------------------------|…
Tuning: 1/2 step down fig. 1 -----------------------------------------------------------| -----------------------------------------------------------| -----------------------------------------------------------| ----------------------------------------------------------5| -------------7-5----------7-5------------------5--5--7---| ----0--0--0-------0--0--0---------3--3--5--5--7------------|…
Tuning:Eb Amaj7 Dmaj7 This is the last song this is the last song I'll sing for you Amaj Dmaj7 A This is the last…
Eb tuning *1 |----------------------------------------------| |----------------------------------------------| |----------------------------------------------| |-----------7~-6----4--4-4-4-7--9-11-----------| |-4-2-------X--6----4--4-4-4-7--9-11-----------| |-----4-2-0-5~-4--0-2--2-2-2-5--7-9------------| *2 |----------------------------------------------| |----------------------------------------------| |-4/6-6-6-6------------------------------------| |-4/6-6-6-6-2--2-2-----4/6-6-6-6-7--7--7/9-9-9-| |-2/4-4-4-4-2--2-2-----4/6-6-6-6-7--7--7/9-9-9-| |-----------0--0-0-0-0-2/4-4-4-4-5--5--5/7-7-7-| *3 |----------------------------------------------| |----------------------------------------------| |-6--------------------------------------------| |-6--6-7--6--6/9-9-9-9-4--4--2-----------------| |-4--6-7--6--6/9-9-9-9-4--4--2-----------------| |-4--4-5--4--4/7-7-7-7-2--2--0-----------------| *4 |----------------------------------------------| |----------------------------------------------| |---------6------------------------------------| |---------6-7--7--6-76-6-6-6-64-4-4-4--------| |-4-2-----4-7--7--6-76-6-6-6-64-4-4-4--------| |-----4-2---5--5--4-54-4-4-4-42-2-2-2--------|…
Normal Tuning Verse |-0-0-0--0-0--0---------0-0-0--0-0--0------------------| |-------------------0h1-------------------oh1----------| |---------------0h1-------------------0h1--------------| |------------------------------------------------------| the…
Tuning:Eb Rain falls on everyone, C#m E A The same old rain G#m B E And I'm just trying to, walk with you G#m B E Between the raindrops Bm D G Bm D G I send…
Tuning: Normal Play in the following order Lick 1 2x Lick 2 2x Lick 1 5x Lick 2 5x Lick#1 e|---------------------------------------------------------------------------| B|-3-----3------3------------3---------3-------------------------------------| G|---3-----3------3---3-------3------0---0---0---0---------------------------| D|-1---1-1------1---1--------------1-------1---------------------------------| A|-------------------------------3-------------------------------------------| E|---------------------------------------------3---3-------------------------| lick#2 e|------3--------------------------------------------------------------------| B|------------------3--------------------------------------------------------| G|----3-1-3-------0---0---0--------------------------------------------------| D|--1-------1---0-------0----------------------------------------------------| A|1--------------------------------------------------------------------------| E|------------3--------------------------------------------------------------| Play…
INTRO: Guitar1, (clean) |-A--Em--G-| The G is played like: |32003x| except 3rd time where its played like |320033|. The fills are below: |----------------2h3-3/5-5/7-5-| |-2h3/5/7hb-------------------| |------------------------------| |------------------------------|…
Tuning:E |G |C Em | >3x G C Em Sweet sweet sweet little agony G C Em I don't know just where you've been G C Em But I'll take take…
Tuning:Eb INTRO Dsus G Dsus G Dsus G Asus G Dsus G in the summer i can breathe Dsus G i don't need a single thing Dsus G and all the love you give Asus G is so sweet Dsus G in the winter i can read Dsus…
INTRO |--------------------|1x |-----------------0--| |---0-----------2----| |--------4----0------| |-0---------2--------| |-0------------------| Main riff |--------------------|9x |------------------0-| |-------0--------2---| |-2h4-----4----0-----| |-0---0------2-------| |-0------------------|…
Tuning: Eb Ab Db Gb G|-------------------| D|-------------------| A|----------5--5p3-3-| E|-0h3-3-3p0---------| G|-------------------| D|-------------------| A|-------------------| E|-3--0--3------0--3-| G|--------------------------------| D|--------------------------------| A|-5-5p3-3p2p0-------5-5p3--3p2h3-| E|-------------3------------------|…
TUNING: Down a whole step to D.. then put your guitar in Dropped D... so actually the low E string is tuned down to a C. intro --------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------12- -----0-1---------------------0-1---------------12- -0-0-----1--1-0----------0-0-----1--1-0--------12- guitar…
Tuning:E Intro: E E Planned a show D Trees and Balloons E Ice cream snow D See you in June E E Could have known D I would reveal E Should have known Dsus2…
|-------------------------17b18r17-16h18b19-18b19-18b19-- |--17b19~rp19r17-15h17b19-------------------------------- |-------------------------------------------------------- |-------------------------------------------------------- |-------------------------------------------------------- |-------------------------------------------------------- |-------------------------------------------------- |--17b19------------------------------------------- |-------------14-----14b16~--17b19--21-19---------- |----------17----17-----------------------21-19b21- |-------------------------------------------------- |--------------------------------------------------…
Tuning: Standard w/ capo on 5 or Eb w/ capo on 6 The chords are written as the shape they are played as, not what they actually are note wise Intro: D Am G D Am G D Am C D Am G D Am G We only come out…
Tuning: E A D G After guitar into bass comes in with this: Riff 1 G|--------------------------------------| D|-----------------4--------------------| A|2/5-------7-------h5--------7---------| E|----0-0h0---0-0h0-----0-0h0----0-0h0--| Then…
TUNING: D A D G Verse: G|-----------------------------------|------- D|--0---7-8-7---0-7-8---------8---7--|------- A|-----------------------------------|--5---- D|--------------------8-----8---7----|------- Chorus: G|-----------------------------------| D|----------------------5-------3----| A|------------5---5---5---5---3---3--| D|--0-0-0-0-0---0---5-------3--------| Interlude: G|------------------------------------------------| D|------------------------------------------------| A|--5----------5----------5----------5------------| D|------------------------------------------------|…
Tuning:E,A,D,G,B,E CHORDS Em G5 C5 Asus D5 Dm C E5 |-x---x---x---x---x---2--0--0-| |-x---x---x---x---x---3--1--0-| |-x---x---5---2---7---2--0--0-|…
Chords: G2 Cadd9 C Em9 Em7 Am Bm G G/B G/C Dsus4 D7 -X-----3------0-----2-----3-----0------0-----3-----3-----3-----3-----2-| -0-----3------1-----0-----3-----1------3-----3-----3-----3-----3-----1-| -2-----0------0-----0-----0-----2------4-----0-----0-----0-----2-----2-| -0-----2------2-----2-----X-----2------4-----0-----0-----0-----0-----0-| -2-----3------3-----2-----2-----0------2-----X-----2-----3-----X-----X-| -3-----X------X-----0-----X-----X------X-----3-----X-----X-----X-----X-| X…
Tuning:E Ax2 Repeat another 3 times with this fill on top: A A Verse 1 A There you are A As you always were F#m D In bathing light A And naked blur…
This is the verse Eb-0-/-0-0--0-0-0----0-/-0-0--0-0-0------------------- Bb-0-/-0-0--0-0-0----0-/-0-0--0-0-0---0-0-00---0-0---- Gb-6-/-8-8--8-8-8----6-/-8-8--8-8-8---6-6-66---1-1---- x2 Db-7-/-9-9--9-9-9----7-/-9-9--9-9-9---7-7-77---4-4----…
Intro: Em D Am Verse 1: Em D Am It's all i wanted Em D Am It's all I could see Em D Am you can watch me bleed Em D Am daylight comes and washes…
Tuning: D A d G Riff1 G|------------| d|------------| A|------------| D|0h0h2-0h0h2-| Then the bass solo and after: Riff2 G|------------------------| d|------------------------| A|------------------3--3--| D|0-0h0-3q4q5-0-0-0h------|…
Tuning: E A D G I love this song...its kind of cool in a wierd way Come in after the guitars Riff 1 G|--------| D|--------| A|-----1--| E|1-------| Slight Change Just Go up to G(3rd Fret on E string) Riff 2 G|--------| D|--------| A|-----3--| E|3-------| Another…
Tuning: Drop D First it's just the guitar, then drums and Bass come in: Riff 1 G|--------------------| d|--------------------| A|5-----5-------------| D|--0-0--0h0h0h0h0h0--| Play this, and when the guitars go out, continue…
Riff1 G|-------------------------------| D|----------2--2-----------------| A|-----2-4-------------2-4-------| E|2--2------------2--2-----0--0--| Then there's this scale exrcise part that I'm not 100% sure of: Riff2 G|----------------------| D|------------5---------| A|--4-5-7-5-7---7-5-4-5-| E|5---------------------| Then…
Capo 1st Fret Em It’s you that I adore You will always be my whore You’ll be a mother to my child And a child to my heart D Am Em We must never be apart D Am G We must…
Tuning:Eb Intro - B F# E x2 B This time I need to know F# E I really must be told - If it's over B It's up to you you know F# E The things you want to hold - Are in pieces…
G1 (distortion) |-------------------------------------------- |-------------------------------------------- |-------------------------------------------- |-6--6-6-9----6--6-6--9----9----------------- |-6--6-6-9----6--6-6--9----9----------------- |-4--4-4-7--0-4--4-4--7----7----------------- G2…
Riff1 G1 and G2 clean tone |----3--3-3-----1----------3--3-3-------1-| |----3--3-3-----1--X-X-----3--3-3---X-X-1-| |----0--0-0--2--2--X-X-----0--0-0---X-X-2-| |----0--0-0--3--3--X-X-----0--0-0---X-X-3-| |-X--X----X--3--3--X-X--X--X----X---X-X-3-| |-3--3-------1--1-------3--3--------X-X-1-| Lead…
e|-------------------------------------------------------- B|-0-------0--0----0----(0)-0-------0--0----0----(0)-0---- G|-0-------0--0----0----(0)-0-------0--0----0----(0)-0---- D|-3/5--5--5--5/9--9----(9)3/5--5--5--5/9--9----(9)3/5-- A|-3/5--5--5--5/9--9----(9)3/5--5--5--5/9--9----(9)3/5-- E|-1/3--3--3--3/7--7----(7)1/3--3--3--3/7--7----(7)1/3-- e|----------------------------0-----------0---------0-------0--0 B|----0--0----0-----0--0--0---0-----------0----0----0----0--0--0 G|----0--0----0-----0--0--0---0-------0---0----0----0----0--0--0 D|-5--5--5/9--9--7--7--7/10--10------10--10---10---10---10-10-10 A|-5--5--5/9--9--7--7--7/10--10--10--10--10---10---10---10-10-10 E|-3--3--3/7--7--0--5--0--8---8---8---8---8----8----8----8--8--8…
Tuning:Eb Am this is the song iґve been singing my whole life iґve been waiting like a knife G To cut open your heart F G And bleed my soul to you F Am I did it…
Chord Fingerings: E5 E5 G5 A5 A#5 B5 D5 C G Am F E| x x x x x x x 0 3 0 1 B| x x x x x x x 1 3 1 1 G| x 9 x x x x 7 0 0 2 2 D| 2 9 5 7 8 9 7 2 0 2 3 A| 2 7 5…
Chord Fingerings: C# G# B F# E| 4 4 2 2 A| 6 4 4 2 D| 6 5 4 3 G| 6 6 4 4 B| 4 6 2 4 E| x 4 x 2 Fig1 (play over the chords throughout. the chord roots, not played by the guitar are…
INTRO: F#m A E D F#m A E D VERSE: F#m A E On the day that you were born D F#m They built an empire off a scream A E D I can't explain F#m…
Tuning: Standard Chord Fingerings: A D G B7 F E E| 0 2 3 2 1 0 B| 2 3 3 0 1 0 G| 2 2 0 2 2 1 D| 2 0 0 1 3 2 A| 0 x 2 2 3 2 E| x x 3 x 1 0 |A D |A D |A D…
Use capo on 4th fret [A] When I met you in the [D] restaurant [A] You could tell I was no [D] debutante. [A] You asked me what's my [E] pleasure "A movie or a [Bm] measure"? I'll have a cup of [D] tea and [E] tell you…
In the Intro, you play the three highest strings in Dm like this: E|-1---1---1---| B|--3---3---3--| G|---2---2---2-| x4 D|-------------| A|-------------| E|-------------| and then you just play F Gm Dm all the…
[Verse 1] Em G D F#m A Bb B Wrap me up in always, Em G D F#m A Bb B and drag me in with maybes Em G D F#m A Bb B Em innocence is treasure, innocence is death G…
[Verse 1] C F Day is ending C F Birds are wending C A7 Back to their shelter of Dm G Each little nest they love [Verse 2] C F Nightshade's falling C…
These are just the basic chords for the song. Billy changes everything up by alternating the chords a bit here and there. So if you want to play an Dsus2 where it says D it will work aswell. Same goes with a Asus2 or Am7…
[Verse 1] C Bm7 C Bm7 Dusty screams, through doors and imaginary C Bm7 D Floors "Why can't you miss me?" C Bm7 C Bm7 Pistol Pete removes the final breaths…
Chord Fingerings: G/B G C Am E| 3 3 0 0 B| 3 3 1 1 G| 0 0 0 2 D| 0 0 2 2 A| 2 2 3 0 E| x 3 x x |G/B G |G/B C | |G/B G |G/B C | |G/B G |G/B C | |G/B G |G/B C | G/B G…
[Intro] C C/B Am C/B [Verse 1] C C/B Am C/B I took my love and took it down C C/B Am C/B I climbed a mountain, I turned around C C/B…
[Intro] Am C D F Esus4/A E/G# E7 [Verse] Am This is a song for a son C D F This is a song for a sailor Esus4 E E7 The best I ever had Am This is a song for a kid C…
[Verse 1] E G#m C# Another dumb kid shot up E C#m Another restless bitch still fucked E C#m Another magic trick, not a sound E Forgive…
KEY Eb [Chords] Ab Bb Cm Eb [Verse 1] Cm I'm in love with your God Cm I'm in love with your fear Cm By the touch of your hand…
Intro] F5 A livewire moves slow F F5 A transformer always knows F Eb5 The score is four F F5 Leaves you hanging on the floor Eb F For…
Tuning: E A D G B E [Chords] A A7 Bm D E F F#m G e|-0--0--2--2--0--1--2--3--| B|-2--2--3--3--0--1--2--3--| G|-2--0--4--2--1--2--2--0--| D|-2--2--4--0--2--3--4--0--| A|-0--0--2-----2--3--4--2--| E|-------------0--1--2--3--| [INTRO]…
Guitar tuned down 1/2 step, though chord shapes below are as if tuned normally G G [Intro] Gone, long gone Blink and I'll be gone, gone, gone C Leave this world of wrong, wrong, wrong…
Standard tuning. D# Last chance to make believe in Cm Always and all it seems Bb Train wrecks hide underneath G# Your umbrella Set the frame Destiny, on this last name soliloquy Tired symphonies played downward Gm…
Tuning is in standard A5 (002200) E A5 E They say that life ain't easy A5 E They'll say your life's a crime F# E C#m Destroy up all good reason A How I'm alive A5…
[Intro] Em G C Em [Verse 1] Em G C Never been kissed by a girl like you Em G C All I wanna, I wanna do Em G C Em G C Love me baby, love me true,…
F#m Dsus2 F#m Dsus F#m Gmaj7 Gmaj5 A G A G A G Gmaj7 Gmaj5 Dsus2 F#m Dsus2 F#m Dsus2 F#m Dsus2 F#m A G A G A G Gmaj7 Gmaj5 D G A Bm D G A Bm D G A Bm D G A Bm G G G G A A G A G A G Gmaj7…
Tune down 1/2 step C x32x1x F x3321x G 3x0033 D xxx23x Em x2200x C F Goodnight, to every little hour that you sleep tite…
[Chords] E: 07X9XX D: 05X7XX A: 5X7XXX C: 8X10XXX G: 3X5XXX Esus2: 09X11XX Gb: X9X11XX Ab: X11X13XX [Intro Let that E string ring] E [Intro riff] e|----------------------------| B|----------------------------| G|---9-\-7-13-----13--9-\-7---| D|---x-\-x------------x-\-x---| A|---7-\-5-11-h12-11--7-\-5---| E|---0-\-0------------0-\-0---|x2 [Intro…
DROP-D TUNING |* = repeat sign *| = repeat sign ^ = hammer-on/pull-off / = slide up \ = slide down () = harmonics x = string mute ^b = bend qr = Quick Rest T = tapping ~~ = trill X\\ = pick slide pm == = Palm Mute VERSE E||------------------------------------------||------------------------- B||*----------------------------------------*||------------------------- G||------------------------------------------||------------------------- D||------------------------------------------||------------------------- A||*----------------------------------------*||------------------------- D||--3-3-3-3-3-3-0-0-5-5-5-5/7-7-7-7-7-7\-0--||-3-3-3-3-3-3-0-0-0-5\3--- CHORDS…
Tune down ½ step – Eb Ab Db Gb Bb Eb Chords used: Dsus2: xx0230 Asus2: x02200 Em: 022000 G: 320033 A: x02220 C: x32013 [Verse 1] Dsus2 Asus2 Em…
Tuning: Eb Ab Db Gb Bb Eb (Half Step Down) Chords used: G, Em, Am, D, Dsus4, C, Bm Hint: To play the Dsus4 chord just put your trusty pinky on 3rd fret of the high E string while keeping the D chord position. Key: (JI)=…
Tuning: Standard [EADGBe] Capo on 5th fret. Play through this section 4 times, but don't sing on the first. La da da da e|--------------------------------------------| B|--------------3-----------3-----------------| G|----------0-----------0-----------0---------| D|------2-----------4-----------0-------------| A|--------------------------------------------| E|--------------------------------------------|…
Capo 2nd fret [Verse 1] E Everywhere you are Emaj7 Is everywhere you’ve been A Just lost to the beat F#m Punching through your skin B You…
|D5 |D5 |F5 |G5 C5 | X4 |D5 |D5 |F5 |G5 C5 | Is everyone afraid? Is everyone a- |D5 |D5 |F5 |G5 C5| shamed? They're running towards their holes to find out |D5 |D5 |F5…
[Intro] Gm Gm Bb Eb Gm Gm Bb Eb [Verse 1] Gm Gm Bb Eb Dorian, Dorian Gm Gm What have you done? Bb Eb Dorian Gm Gm As you run, a setting sun Gm Eb Dorian Eb…
Tuning: Eb Ab Db Gb Bb Eb Chords Dsus2 Dsus2/C# Em7 F#m Bm G or G |-0--------0--------0------2-----2----3----3----| |-3--------3--------3------2-----3----3----3----| |-2--------2--------0------2-----4----0----4----| |-0--------X--------2------4-----4----0----5----| |----------4--------2------4-----2----2----5----| |-------------------0------2----------3----3----| Dsus2…
This version is best suited for the acoustic guitar Tuning: Standard (EADGBE) Capo 3rd Fret Chords used: Am Em G C Bb F Ab E E|--0----0----3----0----1----1----4----0--| B|--1----0----3----1----3----1----4----0--| G|--2----0----0----0----3----2----5----1--| D|--2----2----0----2----3----3----6----2--| A|--0----2----2----3----1----3----6----2--| E|--X----0----3----X----1----1----4----0--| Intro:…
Capo on 1 This is a general chord tab on how I play the song. It's not really how Billy plays it, but it works for me.The C9 isnt a C9. I just dont know what chord it is F C C9 |e--0---0---0------------------| |A--1---1---1------------------| |D--2---0---0------------------| |G--3---2---0------------------| |B--0---3---2------------------| |E--0---0---0------------------|…
Tuning: D B C F A D --INTRO F Bb C Dm F Bb C Dm --VERSE F Bb Peace and love out there C Dm Where you're stuck out there F Bb Its standing on your road C…
BULLET W/ BUTTERFLY WINGS (rat in a cage) Tuned down a half step |* = repeat sign *| = repeat sign ^ = hammer-on/pull-off / = slide up \ = slide down () = harmonics x = string mute ^b = bend qr = Quick Rest T…
Dm C Dirty your face Dm C With longing and grace, God-given Dm C Suffer her heart F Dm And love her when your love goes unrequited C…
(Palm mute during verses) [Verse 1] E5 Burn down the sun, I’m not everyone E5 High and dry, nothing but a body in my mind E5 I’m here to stay, not here today E5 High and dry, nothing but a body in my mind…
*Capo - 5th fret Chords used: Am - x02210 C/G - 332010 D/F# - 2x023x Asus2 - x02200 Cadd9 - x32030 G/B - x2003x Em - 022000 *Strum chords all down *Watch out for changes (*) to Am and C/G chords *Repeat those changes…
[Intro] (Drums) |G |G |G |G | [Verse 1] G I'm a clone G I know it and I'm fine G C I'm one and more are on the way Em I'm two, doctor Em Three's on the line G He'll take incubation…
[Intro] Gm C (x2) [Verse 1] Gm Gm Away, away foul dreams Cm Cm You're gonna listen now to me Gm Gm No rules, or in-betweens Cm Cm F You're gonna listen now to me N.C.…
Tuning: E A D G B E (Capo on 6th Fret) --INTRO G D/F# Cadd9 G D/F# Cadd9 G6 Cadd9 --VERSE G D/F# I don’t mind D/F# Cadd9 What you’ve left behind Cadd9 G6 But aren’t you tired? G D/F# Then…
Guitar tuned a half step down (as usual for the smashing pumpkins, or you can transpose...). The chords names here refer to standard tuning. There are a lot of chords with slight differences. It's sometimes difficult to…
Intro: A F#m C#m A F#m B E B I'm not here to hold your hand C#m I'm just here to understand A F#m C#m B If you're feeling low I can…
The main switch looped through most of the song is an Eb to a D, tabbed e|---------------------------- B|---------------------------- G|-8-8-8-8po7--7-7--8-8-8-8po7 D|---------------------------- A|---------------------------- E|-----------…
Chord Fingerings: D Am7 G Bm7 A7sus4 Em Dsus2 E| 2 3 3 x 3 3 0 B| 3 1 3 3 3 0 3 G| 2 2 0 2 0 0 2 D| 0 2 0 0 2 2 0 A| x 0 2 2 0 2 x E| x x 3 x…
Intro: Dsus2 G D6add2/F# 1|-------0----------------------------------------------| 2|-----3-----3---------------------0-------------0------| 3|---2---------2--------0--------2---2---------2---2----| 4|-0------------------0--------0-------0-----0-------0--| 5|------------------------------------------------------| 6|-----------------3--------2-------------2-------------|x2…
Tuning:Eb Ab Db Gb Bb Eb --INTRO D G D/F# Em D/F# x2 --VERSE 1 D flung wide G the salutations D/F# the deep curse Em D/F# and the shutters close D a spring house G in the making…
Dsus4: 002233 Gmaj9: 020233 D A G Gmaj9 Dsus4 D A Rise! Love is here G Oh don't make me wonder Gmaj9 Dsus4 Life's never clear where choice is a gift…
In chorus play C and B as follows: C x3x5xx B x2x4xx [Intro] Bm A D G x2 [Verse 1] Bm A Lonely draw D G Sides grow dimmer Bm A Spellbound all D G I waste the hour G A Bm…
Intro/riff D Am Em |--0--0--0--0-------0--0--0--0--0--0---0---0---0-0----| |--10-10-10-10-8-7--13-13-13-13-12-10--12--8---8-7-0--| |--9--9--9--9--9-7--12-12-12-12-11-9---11--9---7-7-7--| |--0--0--0--0--0-0--12-12-12-12-12-9---12--9---0-0-7--| |-----------------------------------------------------| |-----------------------------------------------------| D…
[Chords] Em 022000 Bm x24432 G 355433 F#m 244222 Am x02210 C x32013 D xx0232 G5 x-10-12-12-x-x Dsus2 xx0230 * = Strum once ** = Arpeggiated upstrum Note: I've named the chords…
Tuning: (Eb, Ab, Db, Gb, Bb, Eb) Album: Monuments to an Elegy Band Page: / Riff 1 _ eb|-----------0--------0------------------0---------0----------| | Bb|--------0--------0----------0-------0---------0-------0-----|…
[Intro] D D D D [Verse 1] D G D Waiting for someone, see if I deserve D G D Time I've forgotten, ones I should preserve [Refrain] G D And I…
*Capo - 2nd fret Chords used: Bm7 - x2020x Bm9/C# - x4020x Asus2 - x0220x G9 - 32020x E7sus - 02020x D/F# - 2002xx Bm7 Bm9/C# Asus2 G9 E7sus D/F# G9 My daydream seems as one inside of you Bm7…
Tuning: Standard C/C7: Play the C twice and then the C7 once. Intro( Play the intro twice): C/C7 | Em 3x G | A5 1x C/C7 Em C/C7 Em I'm Doing the Best I Can C/C7 Em I'm Doing…
Tempo : 157 [Chorus] Em (whoua-whoua-whoua...) G D We're gonna make this happen A Em I'm gonna fly forever G D A We're…
[Verse] D All that you suffer is all that you are D All that you smother is all that you are C And you're saying you're seeing, you're saying who D You are C Em C What takes meaning…
F 1 3 3 2 0 0 G6 3 5 5 4 0 0 Csus2 x 3 5 5 3 x G/B 5 7 7 0 0 0 Cmaj7 8 10 10 9 0 0 A#add9 6 8 10 x x x C 8 7 5 x x x [Intro] F G6 F G6 [Verse 1] F…
Tuning:E -INTRO- F Am | Gm Bb F Am | Gm Bb Am | Am (slow down & stop) -VERSE 1- E E6 Em E E6 Em We're so young, and we're so dumb C Am E E6 Em With our registered calculations…
[Verse] A Taking my time G Taking everything I have A Losing my mind G Losing everything I have [Chorus] A C D Who do you want to be?…
Tune down 1/2 step. [Instrumental] D Em G D Em G C G D A9 Cmaj7 Fmaj7 G/B C Am G/B C Am G/B C Am G F D Em G D Em G C G C5 G D C5 G D C5 G D A9…
[Intro] G [Verse] D C G All your feelings are the same F Am G Turn around, look around, you'll see D C G And all your troubles still remain F…
[Intro] Gm F Cm [Verse] Gm F Cm Gm I should wander F Cm Gm Yet I shaln't gander far Gm Cm Gm Beyond her spells enchant Gm F Cm Gm As…
[Intro] Gmaj7 A Gmaj7 A Gmaj7 A Dsus2 Gmaj7 A Gmaj7 A Fall into the century on a supersonic cross Gmaj7 A Dsus2 Dsus2/C# Blessed she in aching silence- eternal…
Tuning: Half-Step Down (D#G#C#F#A#D#) ***Use chord chart!!*** Em-022000 F#m-244200 (Use thumb) Asus-x02200 D (thing)-x00220 Bm-x2443xx Cmaj7-x32000 G-320033 Fig 1 Em C# Cadd9…
[Verse 1] Emaj9 G#m Emaj9 G#m Nar- row mar- row Emaj9 G#m F# Si- lent spar- row Emaj9 G#m Emaj9 G#m Se- cret serpentine smile Emaj9 G#m F# E Dis- tant crying chi---ld [Chorus 1] E…
Tuning: Eb Ab Db Gb Bb Eb (Half step down) Chords Used: A#m Bsus E F# |-6---2---0--2--| |-6---2---0--2--| |-6---4---1--3--| |-8---4---2--4--| |-8---2---2--2h4|<--Hammer on with your ring finger |-6-------0--2--| INTRO F#…
[Intro] G GM7 C G GM7 C [Verse 1] G GM7 To be born anew C To live and not quite lose G GM7 To trust every day C Stay unchanged G To…
Chord Fingerings: E A# F# G A G5 E| x x x x x x B| x x x x x x G| x 15 11 12 14 x D| x x x x x 5 A| x…
Standard Tuning: EADGBE (No Capo) Chords used: D Dsus4 Em7 Asus2 G C E|--2-----3-----0-----0-----3-----0--| B|--3-----3-----3-----0-----3-----1--| G|--2-----2-----0-----2-----0-----0--| D|--0-----0-----2-----2-----0-----2--| A|--x-----x-----2-----0-----2-----3--| E|--x-----x-----x-----0-----3----(3)-|…
[Intro] C9 A7sus4 Em7 (x4) [Verse 1] C9 A7sus4 Em7 We dismiss C9 A7sus4 Em7 The backroads C9 A7sus4 Em7 And ride these streets C9 A7sus4 Em7 Unafraid C9 A7sus4 Em7 Resigned…
Tuning: Eb Ab Db Gb Bb Eb Note: the solo starts on the only D chord and continues until the you get to the final verse...good luck to anyone who wants to play it! All the chords are relative to the tuning (which means…
Tuning Eb Ab Db Gb Bb Eb (Half step down) Intro: Dsus2, F, Bb, Am (x2) Dsus2 F Bb Am All hands on deck..... Dsus2 F Bb Am Setting sail to get wrecked off course Em F Am You…
[Intro] Em C D [Verse 1] Em C D Em Faithless moors Pulling up your oars C D Em C D Em From rivers I have crossed In magic no heart's lost [Bridge]…
[Intro] | E5 | B5 | C5 | C5 E5 | | E5 | B5 | C5 | C5 E5 | | E5 | B5 | C5 | C5 E5 | | E5 | B5 | C5 | C5 E5 | [Verse 1] E5 Everyone gather, warm your…
Bsus Bye June G#m I'm going to the moon C#m It better be by June E* 'Cause I'm going to the moon Bsus So June G#m You'd better make it…
[Intro] F G Dm7 x4 [Verse 1] F G Chewing gum Dm7 F G Wondering where I've been and what I've done Dm7 F G Wondering where I'll go and where…
[Intro] Aadd9 A [Verse 1] A Asus2 Sipping tea Let the rivers pass me by These dusty tears Need no place to cry Asus2 I need no reason for the first time in my life Bm7 Esus4 A Asus2 I just…
Tuning Eb Ab Db Gb Bb Eb (Half step down) INTRO |------------------------0-------------| |-----------0----------6---6------6----| |------5------5---5--0----------5---5--| |----7----------7-------------0--------| |--0-----0-----------------------------| |--------------------------------------|…
(Acoustic Live Version) Standard tuning (EADGBE) Capo on 5th Fret Chords used: C, Am, Em, F, G6, Dm I posted this tab well before the studio version was released so it really is for the acoustic guitar. But I can't…
Tuning: Half-Step Down D xx0230 Bsus x20230 F#m 244200 Em 022000 G 320033 A x02030 Cadd9 x32033 D Bsus F#m Em Bsus G Em A D Bsus G D…
Tuning:Eb Ab Db Gb Bb Eb There are two guitars, electric and acoustic. The electric guitar picking follows this throughout the song: e|-7-----------7--------------| B|----8-----------8-----------| G|--------7----------7--------| D|----------------------------| A|----------------------------| E|----------------------------| The…
Tuning: EADGBE (Standard) Intro: D, C, Bm, A, G D C Bm And on her doorstep, I saw that I was blind A G I'd forsaken what was mine D C…
[Intro] F#m A D D x2 [Verse 1] F#m A D D Whomever wants you alone F#m A D D Whomever wants you, atones F#m A D D It's with this rare, I've sewn F#m…
Standard Tuning: Capo 3rd Fret Chords used: D/F# Am Bb G F C |--2----0----1---(3)--(1)---0--| |--3----1----3----3----1----1--| |--2----2----3----0----2----0--| |--0----2----3----0----3----2--| |--0----0----1----2----3----3--| |--2----x----1----3----1---(3)-| Intro:…
[Intro] (You can throw in quick 9th notes in here and there on the C's for variety, same goes for the verses.) C C C C C Cmaj7 Gm F [Verse ] C Cmaj7 Gm F By starlight I'll kiss you and…
These chords are an approximation in standard tuning with capo on 3rd. Gadd9 (3 x 0 2 0 x) Em7 (0 2 0 0 0 0) D (x 0 0 2 3 x) Gadd9 (listen to the track for the pattern, there's a kind of hammer thing from 2…
[Intro] Em [Verse 1] Em If there's heaven D There's a place for us C There's a teenage dream C And my love's enough Em D C But when I break into sapphires…
[Intro] Bb5 Eb5 I don't care if you hurt me some more Eb5 I don't care if you even the score Cm You can knock me - I don't care Cm You can mock me - I don't care…
[Verse 1] F G Em Please drive slow F G Em I've never been this way before F G Em F Em Violence reels in the underground [Chorus] G Yes, I am waiting…
Tuning: Standard EADGBE (Capo on 7th Fret) Intro & Chorus (La la la la...) G6 Asus2 C CMaj7 C7 Asus2 Em E--0----0----0----0----0----0----0--| B--0----0----1----0----1----0----0--| G--0----2----0----0----3----2----0--|…
[Intro] G G So I found G G A postcard from the cross C G Said, hey, hi, how are you? G The weather's fine G C If you like that kinds of view G [Verse] G…
Dsus2 000230 Fmaj7 xx3210 Am x02210 Em 222000 Em7#5/C x3x030 G6/B x2x030 G7sus/F 3x003x Asus 7x7xxx Esus 2x2xxx Dsus 000xxx Em9 004030 D9…
Tuning: Standard (EADGBE) Chords used: F Fmaj7 Dm C Bbsus2 Gm Am |--1----0----1----0----1----3----0--| |--1----1----3----1----1----3----1--| |--2----2----2----0----3----3----2--| |--3----3----0----2----3----5----2--| |--3----3----x----3----1----5----0--| |-(1)--(1)---x----x----1----3----x--| [Intro] F…
I like to use power chords on the first 3 strings for it instead of the whole chord Intro: E Fm F#m A G# A I'm on the street yeah.I want you G# I'm looking for myself A I'm gonna make…
D G (x3) Bm A D G Fairy tales and time in whales D G Substitutes for sin A G D It takes some life to find the light within D F#m G A Whistle…
[Intro] G C F C F C F C G C F C F C F C G [Verse] C F C F C F C G Well I met a girl called sandoz C F C F C F C G And she taught me many many things [Chorus] C Bb Good…
[Intro] Em x4 [Verse 1] Em Em Anaise! Anaise! Em Em In a captive's coat Em Em In a word, a word, I can't let go C C I need her so, you haunt me Em Anaise Em Em In…
[Intro] Dm Am Dm Am [Verse 1] Dm Am Amphetamine Annie-Dog Dm Am Has her leash and a face Dm Her velvet spleen Am Her shackle spine Dm Her diamond curse…
Chord Fingerings: F#m A E G#m B E| 2 5 0 4 7 B| 2 5 0 4 7 G| 2 6 1 4 8 D| 4 7 2 6 9 A| 4 7 2 6 9 E| 2 5 0 4 7 F#m A E what if the sun refused to…
[Intro] C G C G [Verse] C G Rollin with the breeze C G Do what you please [Chorus] D C C G I guess you'd say D C C G We'll take the whole day D…
[Intro] Cm Cm Ab Cm x2 [Verse 1] Cm Fragments form the mind Cm Shadows hold the mist Ab Cm Eb Fractured as this wish Cm Shattered I resign Cm Ab We’re on…
[Intro] F#m D F#m x2 [Verse 1] F#m D F#m Along the banks of rivers Zion E F#m Sang a fallen and forsworn A F#m D F#m The chain of human rage E And let between an…
Tuning: E A D G B E INTRO D G D G D G A A Lead... |-----------------| |-----------------| |-----------------| |-4--5-5--4-5--4--| |-5--5-5--5-5--5--| |-----------------| VERSE D G D G D G A A D G D G D G A A BRIDGE G…
[Intro] E Em C G (x2 [Verse 1] E Em C G I don't mind what you're running E Em C G Cause you and me we're just something E Em C…
[Intro] Ab Gb Db Ab Gb Ab Gb Eb Gb Bb Eb [Verse 1] Ab Gb To make thee mine Ab Gb Line by line Ab I cast a net as wide as I am free Ab Erase the schemes that I have drawn to be Ab Gb There's…
Intro: Em/B Am Em Em x2 Em/B Am D D Em/B Am Em Em (Em Am Em Em) The lights came on fast Lost in motorcrash Gone in a flash unreal (Em Am Em) But you knew all along (C x x…
[Intro] D Em Em D Em Let the horses run D Em Your deserted mind D Catch the thread-bare strains A Gm Of departing trains Em…
Intro: Guitar1 e |----------------------------------------------| B |----------------------------------------------| G |--2----0----------------0---2---0-------------| D |-----------2---0---0h2--------------2---0-----| A…
Note: Where I have marked an asterisk next to a chord, that means you play a barre chord. Where there is none, play an open chord. Hint: The numbers and lines pointing to each chord below indicates which fret number each…
Tuning half a step down and drop d Db Ab Db Gb Bb eb legend: /=slide ~=let ring fig 1 eb|-------------------------------------| Bb|-------------------------------------| Gb|-------------------------------------| Db|3333333-11111-000-7777777777/1010-55-| Ab|3333333-11111-000-7777777777/1010-55-| Db|3333333-11111-000-7777777777/1010-55-| fig…
intro: Ebm Ebm F# B I don?t wanna fight Ebm F# B every single night Ebm F# B Everything I want is in your eyes Ebm F# B You and me go back to places I don?t…
G Cadd9 Dsus4 Csus2 e|--3----3-----3-----3--| B|--3----3-----3-----3--| G|--0----0-----2-----0--| D|--0----2-----0-----3--| A|--2----3-----0-----3--| E|--3----0-----0--------| Intro: G and C G Mother moon Cadd9 Mistress…
[Verse 1] Em Bm D C I foresee a time without me Em D So not unlike the trees C I've stood for so long C So long [Pre-Chorus] Em Shading life inside the falling…
Chords used: F, Am, Em, G, Dsus2 Note: When playing 'F', just play Fmaj7 as it sounds nicer and is easier. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Standard Tuning: EADGBE (No Capo) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Intro:…
[Chorus] Em From our tree swings an apple C A pear or a candle C That once caught captive of your love Em C Em Is asked by dear time to sway D A7sus4 Em C Em Is asked by dear…
Bass intro -----------------------------| -----------------------------| -7-----7-----7-----5-7-9-9-7-| ---0-0---0-0---0-0-----------| (repeat) guitar part ------------------------------| ------------------------------| -13-------------7--9--11-11-9-| ------------------------------| -11-------------5--7--9--9--7-| -0----------------------------| (strum…
[Intro] C F C F C [Verse 1] F C Forever claims the saints F C The church of mad dream F C Save without disgrace and such C Hey, Goldilocks [Bridge]…
This is standard tuning that matches the song. I think he tuned down halfstep and play halfstep chords up though C# The sun has blessed The rays are gone Bbm And all the kids have…
[Intro] e|---------------------------------9------| B|----10--9-----------9---9---9--------9--| (repeat 2X) G|-------------11-------------------------| D|--11--11--11----11----9---9---9----9----| A|----------------------------------------| E|----------------------------------------| [Verse…
Also see my guitar pro tab /Bass or guitar tab You can play at the end of the F: E5 or F/E# (0332xx) [Intro] C Em Am F C Em Am F [Verse] C Em Am F Burn like a rocket Torch…
[Intro] A A5 A X8 (Keep the same strumming pattern you use here for most of the song, or whenever you see these chords together) A A5 A I'm in here A A5 A Please take me home A A5 A Starla dear A…
[Intro] Em G C [Verse 1] Em This rock of ages G C This rock of war Em G C And the day you left forevermore Em G C (Ha-ha, yeah, yeah) [Pre-Chorus] Em…
[Intro] G D C Em G D Am [Verse] G See love, see time, D See deaf, see light. Am Am7 See tears, see right, C See day, from night. [Verse] G See poems, see tunes,…
[Intro] Bb2 F Ebmaj9 Dm7 Bb2 F Eb2 Dm7 [Verse 1] Bb2 F You can hear the baby bones Eb2 Dm7 Crack beneath her wheels Bb2 F Tears of avalon Eb2 Dm7 Streak silent…
Tuning: Standard Notes on the Tab: *For the sake of time, I didn't really lable the chords and just named them by the base, in the diagrams, that is how I play them, and they are always played in that order. *The notes…