Аккорды The Smashing Pumpkins - Dreaming

Добавлено: @romashka
Дата добавления: 15 Октября 2024г.
Просмотров: 0
Use capo on 4th fret

[A] When I met you in the [D] restaurant
[A] You could tell I was no [D] debutante.

[A] You asked me what's my [E] pleasure
"A movie or a [Bm] measure"?
I'll have a cup of [D] tea and [E] tell you of my [A] dreaming.
[D] Dreaming is free. [A] Dreaming, [D] dreaming is free.

A     D     A     D
[A] I don't want to live on [D] charity.
[A] Pleasure's real or is it [D] fantasy?

[A] Reel to reel is living [E] rarity.
People stop and [Bm] stare at me, we just walk on [D] by; [E] we just
keep on [A] dreaming.

[D] Feet feet: walking a two mile.
[D] Meet meet: meet me at the turnstile.
I [A] never met him, I'll [E] never forget him.
[D] Dream dream: even for a little while.
[D] Dream dream: filling up an idle hour.
[A] Fade away, [E] radiate.

[A] I sit by and watch the [D] river flow.
[A] I sit by and watch the [D] traffic go.
[A] Imagine something of your [E] very own;  something you
can [Bm] have and hold.
I'd build a road in [D] gold [E] just to have some [A] dreaming.
[D] Dreaming is free. [A] Dreaming, [D] dreaming is free.
Без музыки жизнь была бы заблуждением (Ницше)
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