Аккорды Van Morrison - Latest Record Project

Добавлено: @romashka
Дата добавления: 28 Мая 2024г.
Просмотров: 39
| A     | A     | A     | A     |

[Verse 1]
Have you got my latest record project?
    D             A
You got my latest record project?
E                    F#m
Not something that I used to do
E                  F#m
Not something that you’re used to
E                          F#m                      E
Not something you might be able to relate to in the present, present

[Verse 2]
Have you got my latest songs I’m singing?
    D             A
You got my latest songs I’m singing?
E                     F#m
Not something from so long ago
E                      F#m
Not something that you might want to know
E                   F#m              E
But something I can relate to in the present, in the present

[Verse 3]
Have you got my latest record project?
    D             A
You got my latest record project?
E                 F#m
Not something way back in the day
E               F#m
Not something I have to say
E                    F#m                E
Not something when I gave it away long ago, long ago

[Verse 4]
Have you got my latest record project?
D             A
Got my latest record project? All right

| E     | F#m    |
| E     | F#m    |
| E     | F#m    | E     | E     |

[Verse 5]
You got my latest record project?
D             A
Got my latest record project?
E                    F#m
Got to go and get it right away
E                     F#m
It’s not something so far away
E                    F#m               E
Got to catch up with what I say in the present, in the present

[Verse 6]
Have you got my latest songs I’m singing?
D             A
Got my latest joy I’m bringing?
       E               F#m
To the present, to the present
       E               F#m
To the present, to the present
       E               F#m     E
To the present, to the present moment, moment

[Verse 7]
Have you got my latest record project?
D             A
Got my latest record project?
E                       F#m
It’s not something from long ago
E                       F#m
It’s not something that you might know
E                     F#m               E
It’s something that I want to go in the moment, in the moment

[Verse 8]
Have you got my latest record project?
    D             A
You got my latest record project?
       E              F#m
In the moment, in the present
       E              F#m
In the moment, in the present
       E              F#m             E
In the moment, in the present, right away

You got my latest record project?
Got my latest record project?
Got my latest record project?
Got my latest record project?
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