Аккорды Will Kimbrough - Work To Do

Добавлено: @romashka
Дата добавления: 22 Мая 2024г.
Просмотров: 62
ATTENTION: All chords for 2 and 4 fast beats OR count the *

| D           | D     G     | D           | D     G     |
| D           | D     G     | D           | D     G     |

[Verse 1]
    D                  G
I'm pretty big and I'm pretty bright,
    D             A
I'm not afraid to shine this light.
D                       G
Might shine on what you don't wanna see
    Bm                A/C#
and if it does, well, don't blame me.
       D                G
'Cause it don't make me noble or true
   Bm                  A/C#
to dim my light so you don't feel blue.
G     A
I got work to [Interlude] do.

| D           | D     G     | D           | D     G     |

[Verse 2]
  D                   G
I make mistakes and I still stand tall,
    D              A
sometimes I'm not afraid at all.
    D          G
And if I am, I hope you'll see,
    Bm            A/C#
I'm only fighting to be free.
      D              G
Don't ask me to just sit and wait,
  Bm             A/C#
I wasn't born to hesitate.
G        A       D         D  G
I've got work to do.

      G                  A
I got mouths to feed and miles to ride,
G            A
so much love I can't hide.
      G                A               D        D  D7
I can do anything that I take a notion to.
G                  A
Hills to climb and seeds to sow,
G                       A
don't take long just to watch 'em grow.
  G                      A
I can't slow down 'cause I got work to do.

D  D           C   C    D
   Who am I to say I am bright?
D  C        C      D        D
     Who am I to deny it?

| D           | G           | D           | A/C#        |
| D           | G           | Bm          | A*          |

[Verse 3]
    D                  G
I'm pretty big and I'm pretty bright,
D             A
not afraid to shine this light.
   D                       G
It might shine on what you don't want to see
    Bm                A/C#
and if it does, well, don't blame me.
       D                G
'Cause it don't make me noble or true,
   Bm                  A/C#
to dim my light so you don't feel blue.
G     A       D
I got work to do
I ain't wasting my time here.
G     A       D
I got work to do,
and I ain't standing in line here.
G     A
I got work to [Outro] do.

| D           | D     G     | D           | D     G     |
| D           | D     G     | D*          ||
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