Аккорды Aaron Goodvin - Kill A Kiss

Добавлено: @romashka
Дата добавления: 15 Января 2024г.
Просмотров: 97

D  G  D  G

      D                           G                 D   D
It's better to be honest than to hear it somewhere else
     D                                  A   A
And this town has a way of runnin' its mouth
     D                             G               D   D
Well I ain't no rich man but I'll buy us one more round
        D                      A              D  D
'Cause one way or another the truth's comin' out

G        D            Bm            A
I can't buy you some house on some hill
    G           D         Bm              A
Or take you to Paris and make time stand still
             G        D               A        Bm  Bm
But there's one thing I can do hands down, no doubt

G               D            A         Bm
I could kill a kiss on your lips right now
G               D            A          D  G  D  G
I could kill a kiss on your lips right now-ow

    D                          G               D   D
If you're in the market for a beat up bruised heart
      D                             A   A
And a 99 Ford that sometimes won't start
      D                        G             Bm  Bm
Well I've got a deal - we can close it right here
      D                        A          D
Well just close your eyes and let's disappear

G        D            Bm            A
I can't buy you some house on some hill
    G           D         Bm              A
Or take you to Paris and make time stand still
             G        D               A        Bm
But there's one thing I can do hands down, no doubt

G               D            A         Bm
I could kill a kiss on your lips right now
G               D            A          D  G   D
I could kill a kiss on your lips right nooooow-ow

A  Bm  G  D  A  A

    G        D            Bm            A
No, I can't buy you some house on some hill
    G           D         Bm              A
Or take you to Paris and make time stand still
             G        D               A        Bm  Bm  Bm7
But there's one thing I can do hands down, no dooooooooubt

G               D            A         Bm
I could kill a kiss on your lips right now
G               D            A          D  G   D  A   D
I could kill a kiss on your lips right now-ow
Музыка, подобно дождю, капля за каплей, просачивается в сердце и оживляет его (Роллан)
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