Аккорды Edward Sharpe & the Magnetic Zeros - Two

Добавлено: @romashka
Дата добавления: 11 Сентября 2024г.
Просмотров: 14
Chords i used that i know of: im sure there are more.

   G G7 C AM D
E- 3  1 0 0  2
B- 0  0 1 1  3
G- 0  0 0 2  2
D- 0  0 2 2  0
A- 2  2 3 0  X
E- 3  3 X X  X

G G7 G

picked g7 being held using pinky to hammer on the G
Timing and pickin you'll figure out

G      G7  G            C
i am the prisoned man of single melody
Am          D
two voices carry farther than me
G      G7  G           C
iseek your help so that my song may become free
Am             D
two voices carry farther than me

and in the morning, sing me love
and in the afternoon, its love
and in the evening, if they love
and in the morning, wake up

G                       C
and if we sing together, love will sing along
Am               D
two voices carry farther than one
G                     C
together we can bridge a chorus to the dawn
Am                         D ?
two voices carry far.......all the days
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