Аккорды Half Man Half Biscuit - Dye Ken Ted Moult

Добавлено: @romashka
Дата добавления: 06 Июня 2024г.
Просмотров: 85
(instr) C  F G C (x8)

C                             F     G       C
Our Ted, it has to be said produces proof beyond us
                                   F        G      C
Rain, shine or gale force nine his frames remain intact.
Helicopters in my garden, bringing wind – I beg your pardon
                          C              G
Double glazing is amazing don’t you all agree?

(instr) C  F G C (x4)

C                                     F      G       C
No fears, they’ll last you for years: our statistics prove it
                                                   F   G        C
And you’ll pose when all the street knows it’s you who sets the pace.
On the cold and frosty mornings scoff and laugh at Yuletide warnings
                           C                  G
Insulation for the nation, that’s the one for me.

(instr) C  F G C (x4)

C                                   F         G          C
No draughts ‘cos that’d be daft – a feather acknowledges Newton
                                               F    G          C
And a ball and chain let loose on the pane can only smash your nerves.
In the hibernating season fit the best, it stands to reason
                                  C            G
No complaining where it’s raining thanks to Mr Moult, wahey!

(instr) C  F G C (x4)  F G C  F G C7
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