Аккорды Kenny Chesney - Baptism

Добавлено: @romashka
Дата добавления: 19 Декабря 2016г.
Просмотров: 410
D                          G
The summer breeze, made ripples on the pond
D                      Bm          G             A
And rattled through the reeds and the willow trees beyond
Bm          F#       G                    D
Daddy in his good hat, mama in her Sunday dress
G                      D                G       A
Watched with pride, as I stood there in the water up to my chest
C/G                   (step down Bass)       D
And the preacher spoke about the cleansing blood
G             G/f#         Em             A
And I sank my toes into that east Tennessee mud

    D                        A
Then it was down with the old man
G          D
Up with the new
G         G/f#              Em     A
Raised to walk in the way of light and truth
Bm          G             D                G
Didn't see no angels, just a few saints on the shore
     D        Bm      G G/f#
But I felt like a newborn baby
         Em     A          D
Cradled up in the arms of the Lord

D                G                A
Amazing Grace, Oh how sweet the sound
D                     Bm          G            A
There was glory in the air; there was dinner on the ground
Bm                 F#         G                D
My sins which were many, were washed away and gone
G                    D         G    A       D
Along with the buffalo nickel, I forgot to leave at home

C/G         (step down bass)      D
That seems like such a small, small price to pay
G               G/f#              Em             A
For the blessed peace of mind, that came to me that day


    C/G (bass down)
This road is long and dusty
              G     A       D
Sometimes a soul it must be cleansed
      C/G (bass down)
And I long to feel that water 
        G        A
Rushing over me again

D             A        G         D
Down with the old man, Up with the new
G         D                A
Raised to walk in the way of light and truth 
Bm          G            D                G
Didn't see no angels, just a few saints on the shore
     D        Bm     G G/f#
But I felt like a newborn Baby
         Em     A          Bm
Cradled up in the arms of the Lord

      D        Bm     G G/f#
Yes I felt like a new born Baby
         Em      A         D
Cradled up in the arms of the Lord
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