Аккорды Pearl Jam - Yellow Moon

Добавлено: @romashka
Дата добавления: 12 Мая 2024г.
Просмотров: 48
Capo 1st
Intro: 4 X D, A

1 Vers: D, A, D, G, F#, A

Here far away

One could feel the earth vibrate

Moon changing shape and shade

as we all do under its gaze

1 Chorus: C, D. A, G, C, D, A
Yellow moon on the rise

Yellow moon on the rise

Intrumental brake: 4 X D, A

2 Vers: D, A, D, G, F#, A
A, F#, A.

Round we go, where we stop and no one knows

So tonight the moon I go

2 Chorus: C, D. A, G, C, D

Yellow moon on the rise

2 X Em, F#, G, A
Em, F#, G, A
Em, F#, G, A, G, A

An echo that rings a bullet unchained

one life, one grave joins the parade

At night the sky grows dark with fallen stars

who comes so far a headstone and grave

the colors turns grey, the black and white fades

3 Chorus: C, D. A, G, C, D, A

Yellow Moon on the rise

Yellow Moon on the rise

Intrumental brake: 4 X D, A

3 Chorus: C, D. A, G, C, D, A, G, C, D

Yellow Moon on the rise 
Yellow Moon on the rise
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