Аккорды The Seldom Scene - Like I Used To Do

Добавлено: @romashka
Дата добавления: 21 Марта 2024г.
Просмотров: 71
D                    G
There was a time when we'd be the last to leave
         A7                 D[
Watching the sun come up while everyone fell asleep
             D                 G
The music was always loud and I'd smoke and drink too much
              A7               D
Until I'd fall in your arms and into your loving touch
          G             D
Now as the years roll by time has reeled me in
                  A7                        D
I've slowed down a notch or two from the way things were then.


                 G         A7
Those old ways of mine I've left them behind
       G  D
Those crazy days are through
                   G        A7
The only thing I still do like I used to do
          G   D
Is carry this torch for you.

Verse 2.

D                       G
I remember the days when I'd pack my bags and run
              A7             D
Chasing some crazy dream into the morning sun
D                           ch]G
 Now as the twilight falls I find I'm satisfied
               ch]A7                  D
Watching the fire glow just as long as your by my side
               G              D
Here in my heart it seems,time as passed me by
                  A7           D
I love you as much today as the very first time.
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