Аккорды Half Man Half Biscuit - Carry On Cremating

Добавлено: @romashka
Дата добавления: 06 Июня 2024г.
Просмотров: 84
     E                       A
We’re hardly the fruit from a well-tended banana tree
      E                    A
We’re hardly the Bayeux in rock’s rich tapestry
E                                  A
We were like two rubber ducks that passed each other in the bath
E                             A
I can sound like Wally out of Crossroads, Kath.

D                        A
She threw an apple in my eye, cor blimey
D                        A
Alex Haley was adopted – that’s what’s called a disappointment.

E                              A
When England won the World Cup back in 1966
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Wembley must have been a sea of smiles
     E                                   A
Well I think Kenneth Wolstenholme summed up the moment really well
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When he said “Just look at Nobby Stiles” yeah.

D                        A
She threw an apple in my eye, cor blimey
D                        A
Alex Haley was adopted – that’s what’s called a disappointment.

   E                              A
Oh they’re still cremating Hattie Jacques, I am not surprised
E                                   A
Come on now, let’s face it, she was fat
   E                                A
It usually takes for ever trying to burn the grossly oversized
E                                A
Who would ever want to look like that?

D                         A
She had a face that could launch a thousand dredgers
D                           A
I could never get her on my portable TV.
D                        A
She threw an apple in my eye, cor blimey
D                        A
Alex Haley was adopted – that’s what’s called a disappointment.
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