Аккорды Half Man Half Biscuit - Descent Of The Stiperstones

Добавлено: @romashka
Дата добавления: 06 Июня 2024г.
Просмотров: 70
(intro C Em G,  C Em G)

C Em  G
I was
C     Em  G
Yes I was
C   Em         G             C Em G
Descending the Stiperstones
C    Em  G
When I
C            Em         G
Recalled the order from home
To pick up a
To pick up a
 To pick up a

To pick up a
   C                    Em    G    C Em G, C Em
To pick up a jar of Swarfega

G       (same chord sequence C Em G all through monologue)
 In my haste to leave the store, I crashed into a Davenport, a drip-free teapot and a mannequin
                              C Em G, C Em G
 dressed up as Warden Hodges. 
C Em   G
I was
C     Em  G
Yes I was
               C            Em G
Descending the Stiperstones
C   Em         G             C Em G
Descending the Stiperstones
               C             Em G
Descending the Stiperstones

(same chord sequence C Em G all through monologue)

 A phallic watering can, a packet of Triffid seeds, an ice rink for a model village,
 crucifixion nails, a pair of polo-necked jeans, a jar of language pills, a jigsaw of Nazi war
 criminals, post-apocalyptic Allen keys, a written curse of a witch from Oswestry, a signed photograph
 of former players’ agent Eric Hall – monster, monster. I fled towards the church looking for sanctuary;
                                                           C Em G
 found only Spencer The Halfwit, sniggering the 46th Psalm.
               C            Em G
Descending the Stiperstones,
C  Em          G               C Em G 
Descending the Stiperstones,
Descending the Stiperstones.
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