Аккорды Half Man Half Biscuit - Dickie Davies Eyes

Добавлено: @romashka
Дата добавления: 06 Июня 2024г.
Просмотров: 61
Mention the Lord of the Rings just once more
And I'll more than likely kill you
D                                                  G
Moorcock, Moorcock, Michael Moorcock you fervently moan
Is this a wok that you've shoved down my throat
Or are you just pleased to see me?
D                                                   G
Brian Moore's head looks uncannily like London Planetarium.
    A                    D
And all those people who you romantically
A                          D
Like to still believe are alive are dead
   A                        D
So I'll wipe my snot on the arm of your chair
       A                                    D
As you put another Roger Dean poster on the wall.
God I could murder a Cadbury's Flake
But then I guess you wouldn't let me into heaven
   D                                               G
Or maybe you would 'cos their adverts promote oral sex
  D                                        G                      
A Romany bint in a field with her paints suggesting we faint at her beauty
D                           G
But she's got Dickie Davies eyes.
    A                    D
And all those people who you romantically 
A                          D
Like to still believe are alive are dead
   A                        D
So I'll wipe my snot on the arm of your chair
       A                                    D
As you put another Roger Dean poster on the wall.
    A                    D
And all those people who you romantically 
A                          G        D
like to still believe are alive are dead
   A                        D
So I'll wipe my snot on the arm of your chair
       A                                    D
As you put another Roger Dean poster on the wall.
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