Аккорды Half Man Half Biscuit - Give Us Bubblewrap

Добавлено: @romashka
Дата добавления: 06 Июня 2024г.
Просмотров: 62
DDD G (no chord)              DDD G (no chord)           DDD
    Assorted nautical jigsaws,    horticultural sideshows
C                 G   
Another castle by Edward the First
C                      G
Another manor house supposedly cursed
Am                       D
Don't they realise we're easily pleased
Am                            D                           G         D
Don't they know that all they really got to do is give us bubblewrap
        G         D         Em
Give us bubblewrap, give us bubblewrap
              Am               D
And stick the Apple Mac in the car park.

DDD G (no chord)           DDD G (no chord)           DDD
    Take a typical warlord;    psychological nightmare
C                  G
The inhumanity, oppression and greed
    C                     G
The stiff missionary, the porcine feed
Am              D
Megalomaniacal, loaded for bear
Am                           D                           G         D
I think your diplomat should get over there and give him bubblewrap
         G         D          Em
Give him bubblewrap, give him bubblewrap
             Am            D
And tell him baccarat is illegal.

Em                   C     F                     D7
Millwall Friday afternoon, so much so for Brig O'Doon
   G          Am         C         D
Oh sing song, ping pong, fish fry, whist drive
Am                       D                             G         D
Nurse just throw another log upon the fire and give us bubblewrap
        G         D         G
Give us bubblewrap, give us bubblewrap
             D                         Em
Double wrap, other crap, have it back, river cruise
               C                             DDD G
Dinner queues, Bladder News, innertubes.
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