Аккорды Half Man Half Biscuit - I Hate Nerys Hughes (From The Heart)

Добавлено: @romashka
Дата добавления: 06 Июня 2024г.
Просмотров: 76

B7       B7  E   B7  E  B7  E  B7

    E                                              B7
St. Vitus came to my town and visited the cemetery
    E                                                   B7
The dead got up and everything became one big cacophony
     E                                                             B7
They all went down the Social and they claimed their Supplementary
    E                                                  B7
And all the necrophiliacs were walking round in misery.

E  B7  E  B7

    E                                                        B7
The rattling mass of calcium went shopping in the Superstore
   E                                                          B7
Careering down the aisles like one big psychopathic carnivore
    E                                                           B7
The shelf stacker's work of art in ecstasy crashed to the floor
    E                                                    B7
And meanwhile the Saint was going crazy at the fire door.

Ah, the beautiful sparkling healthy spa water of Bath, in Avon.


B7       B7  E   B7  E  B7  E  B7

E                   B7
I hate Nerys Hughes
E                   B7
I hate Nerys Hughes
E                   B7
I hate Nerys Hughes
E                   B7  E
I hate Nerys Hughes.
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