Аккорды Half Man Half Biscuit - Moody Chops

Добавлено: @romashka
Дата добавления: 06 Июня 2024г.
Просмотров: 77
E           A                   B7                      E
  Hey there moody chops, you’ve gone and got national acclaim
          A                 B7                        E
Hey there moody chops, your attitude can never be the same
        B7              E
You can never be surly again.

            A                        E
‘Cos if you write another song about down in the dumps
    A                             B7
The people gonna say: “Hey – what gives you the humps?”
             E                     A
You could be drinking muddy water, sleeping in hollow logs
    B7                        E
But no, you’ve got national acclaim.

          A            B7                        E
Hey there moody chops, what you gonna sing about next?
          A                  B7                       E
Hey there moody chops you’re gonna have to change the text.
A                         E
No more caterwauling in a minor key,
       A                             B7
You’re gonna have to croon about the Zuiderzee
        E                    A
And its total reclamation by twenty-o-three
B7                      E
Now you got wads of the stuff
B7                     E
Now you got national acclaim.

Alright boys, fill the skip.     (instr) A E  A B7  E A  B7 E  B7 E

             A                                       E
You’re gonna have to take your hand from out of your sleeve
     A                              E
Your mumbling: you’re gonna have to leave behind
             A                          E
You’re gonna have to join Jools for the jam sketch
       A                          E
You’ll have to join Jools for the jam sketch.

   A               E
Oh moody chops, oh moody chops
B7              E
Moody chops, oh moody chops,
    A                E
Hey moody chops, mmm moody chops
       B7                      E
You’ve gone and got national acclaim
       B7                  E                B7   E
You’ve done got national acclaim. You…..
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