Аккорды Half Man Half Biscuit - On The Roids

Добавлено: @romashka
Дата добавления: 06 Июня 2024г.
Просмотров: 73
(intro: G Am G Am, G Am Em D G Am Em D)

G                    Am     G                      D
Here comes The Black Horse,   there goes The Brown Cow
G                  Am      G                    D
Full of ringers of course,   thrown up from the plough
G                 Am      G                    D
The hoops and the stripes,  the halves and the quarters
Bm                 C   Eb                 D
The Sunday morning rain,  the touchline refrain:
             G                   C                   G                   C
He’s on the ‘roids, he’s on the ‘roids, he’s on the ‘roids, he’s on the ‘roids
           G                             C
Just walk away John, come on, just walk away John, come on
           G                             C
Just walk away John, come on, just walk away John because
             G                   D            G Am (x2)  G Am Em D (x2)
He’s on the ‘roids, he’s on the ‘roids.
G                 Am    G                        Am
It’s Lee’s twenty-first   but they’re not coming in
G                 Am   G                  D
Because Bruiser McHuge  declares them too thin
G             Am  G                  D
Annoyed and upset  they head for elsewhere
Bm                        C    Eb                  D
They’d normally argue the toss,  but besides being boss
             G                   C                   G                   C
He’s on the ‘roids, he’s on the ‘roids, he’s on the ‘roids, he’s on the ‘roids
           G                             C
Just walk away John, come on, just walk away John, come on
           G                             C
Just walk away John, come on, just walk away John because
             G                   D         G Am (x4) Bm C Eb D
He’s on the ‘roids, he’s on the ‘roids.
G                        C      G                       D
He used to lark with the dreads, now he’s a nark on the steds
G                        C      G                       D
He used to lark with the dreads, now he’s a nark on the steds
G                        C      G                       D
He used to lark with the dreads, now he’s a nark on the steds
G                        C      G                       D
He used to lark with the dreads, now he’s a nark on the steds
Bm                C    Eb                            D
His paranoia is absurd   – are you thinking ‘bout my bird?
             G                   C                   G                   C
He’s on the ‘roids, he’s on the ‘roids, he’s on the ‘roids, he’s on the ‘roids
           G                             C
Just walk away John, come on, just walk away John, come on
           G                             C
Just walk away John, come on, just walk away John because
         G                       C
Leave it be, let it go; don’t be daft don’t you know,
         G                       C
Leave it be, let it go; don’t be daft don’t you know
         G                       C
Leave it be, let it go; don’t be daft don’t you know, 
             G                   C                   G                   C
He’s on the ‘roids, he’s on the ‘roids, he’s on the ‘roids, he’s on the ‘roids
             G                   C                   G                   C         G C D G
He’s on the ‘roids, he’s on the ‘roids, he’s on the ‘roids, he’s on the ‘roids.
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