Аккорды Half Man Half Biscuit - P.R.S. Yearbook (Quick The Drawbridge)

Добавлено: @romashka
Дата добавления: 06 Июня 2024г.
Просмотров: 73

G   C D  (x6)

G                      C      D                  G
Come see the townsfolk keenly gathered round the gibbet
                   C       D         G       C
Got a book of five hundred cloakroom tickets
    D                     G
See what they’ve gone and done
              C               D
To the trendy mother from the sitcom,
G                     C
 When she said “Penny for ‘em?”
       D                    D7
To her teenage son, who was staring into space.

G                 C             D            G
Comedy hypnotist, when you wake up you’ll be me
                       C           D               G
And you’ll walk to the side of the road and you’ll see
                     C               D         G
All the cars and the lorries and the buses and vans
                      C         D       G
But to you they’ll be like “ooh savoury snacks!”
                           C   D
When you’re feeling really hungry
G                          C   D       D7               G        C D  
 You can just step out and eat one, go on, you know you want to.


G  C D (x5)

G                   C          D
Runrig with special guest Mike Peters
G                        C               D        G
Red and white, black and white, blue and white bandanas
C    D                   G
 See what we’ve gone and done 
                C         D
To the band who got a bit pompous,
G                          C        D      D7
 They called their fan club an Information Service.

G               C       D         G
Agony Aunt if I had the arse of a crow
                   C            D          G
And the wings of a sparrow, and you were below
                C        D      G
Sitting on park bench in memory of
                  C           D                      G
Bad dreams with a girl you’ve loved for most of your life
            C D G          C   D            
With an IRN D J, at an A&R showcase
A&R showcase.


G  C D (x4)

G         C   D         G                     C         D
PRS, PRS, PRS yearbook; quick the drawbridge, quick the drawbridge
G         C   D         G                     C         D
PRS, PRS, PRS yearbook; quick the drawbridge, quick the drawbridge
G        C        D   G                         C        D
PRS, PRS golf weekend, I used to think that you had to attend.


G  C D  (x3) G
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