Аккорды Half Man Half Biscuit - Whit Week Malarkey

Добавлено: @romashka
Дата добавления: 06 Июня 2024г.
Просмотров: 37

D A D  A

D                                    A
 Up in the trees, down on the ground
D                                 A
 High in the hills, under the sea
C                       D
 People playing low-key warm-up gigs
C                              D        A D  A
 Performing tasters from their new LP.

D                                     A
 We just got back from Greek isle Kos
D                             A
 Didn’t see no Vicki Leandros
C                  D
 We had a 96-track studio
C                            D       A D  A
 And it was haunted by a Red Indian.

D        A                D
See what we’ve got in the pipeline
              A                  D   A
The Edge said we could maybe buy-on
D       A              D
Met him at prestigious Marquee Club
        A                   D
Mixed a storming set by Vow Wow
A            D   A
 Vow Wow Wow Wow.

F        C              D
 Ooh-ooh-ooh he’s here again
F                 C              D
 The man with the gaffer tape supplies
F               C             D
 We’ll blow the headline act away
F                     C         D              A D
 ‘Cos we’ve brought a coachload down with us.

D                               A
 Whit Week malarkey on the prom
D                                         A
 Eyes down, look in - win beige headboard
C                            D
 She’s got a green belt in astrology
C                             D         A D  A 
 And I’ve got a black belt in No-can-do.

D       A           D
My turn soon on Karaoke
         A                   D
Girl nearby asks who I might be
       A                   D
May be Boz Scaggs singing “Lido”
      A                 D          A D  A  F C F A  D
Or, I might just up and leave.

A           D      A           D      A           D      A           D
Just up and leave, just up and leave, just up and leave, just up and leave
A           D      A           D      A           D      A           D      A D
Just up and leave, just up and leave, just up and leave, just up and leave.
Без музыки жизнь была бы заблуждением (Ницше)
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