Аккорды Jeannie Seely - Don't Touch Me

Добавлено: @romashka
Дата добавления: 03 Марта 2024г.
Просмотров: 64
                  C               D7
Your hand is like a torch each time you touch me
 F     Dm7         G7            C   Dm7
The look   in your eye pulls me apart
G7        C                            D7
      Don't open the door to heaven if I can't come in
  F           Dm7          G7           C
Don't touch me    if you don't love me sweetheart

 [Verse 2]
     C                         D7
Your kiss is like a drink when I'm thirsty
    F          Dm7  G7           C     Dm7
And I'm thirsty     for you with all my heart
G7     C                                  D7
   But  don't love me then act as though we've never kissed
    F        Dm7           G7            C
Don't touch me      if you don't love me sweetheart

F7    F                       C
Don't give me something that you might take away
   F                      D7                   G7           C
To have you then lose you wouldn't be smart on my part
Don't open the door to heaven  if I can't come in
 F           Dm7          G7           C
Don't touch me    if you don't love me sweetheart
     F                   G7           N.C.  F  G7  C  C
No don't touch me if you don't love me sweethe    art		
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