Аккорды Jeannie Seely - How Can Our Cheatin' Be Wrong (feat. Jack Greene)

Добавлено: @romashka
Дата добавления: 03 Марта 2024г.
Просмотров: 77
Like two common thieves caught stealing
C                     F      C
We've been blamed for having feeling
        F           C           D7   G7
Darling how can our cheating be wr-ong
   C         G7    C                           F       C
We both have obligations but there at war with our temptations
F                   C         G7 C
Darling how can our cheating  be wrong

    G7                            F             C
Our love is not accepted we're condemned and disrespected
    F                    C                   D7           G7
But they'd never felt or shared one precious moment we've known
           C       G7       C
There's no way for words to smother
C                      F        C
The love we're feeling for each other
F                   C         G7 C
Darling how can our cheating  be wrong

    G7                            F             C
Our love is not accepted we're condemned and disrespected
    F                    C                   D7           G7
But they'd never felt or shared one precious moment we've known
           C       G7       C
There's no way for words to smother
C                      F        C
The love we're feeling for each other
F                   C         G7 C
Darling how can our cheating  be wrong  
Без музыки жизнь была бы заблуждением (Ницше)
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