Аккорды Jeannie Seely - My Tears Don't Show (feat. Jack Greene)

Добавлено: @romashka
Дата добавления: 03 Марта 2024г.
Просмотров: 142
G                                 C
I've learned to hide my greed within my heart
          D7                           G
And to conceal the thing that hurts me so
But every time somebody calls your name
              D7                           G
Although I've cried for you my tears don't show

C                                            G
For my heart is big enough to hold a million tears
A7                                                       D7
Alone with all these memories I've treasured through the years
           G                 C
Sweet memories that make the teardrops flow
              D7                           G
Although I've cried for you my tears don't show

C                                             G
For my heart is big enough to hold a million tears
A7                                                       D7
Alone with all these memories I've treasured through the years
           G                 C
Sweet memories that make the teardrops flow
              D7                           G
Although I've cried for you my tears don't show 
Музыка доставляет удовольствие, без которого человеческая природа не может обойтись (Конфуций)
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